Hymnals Still Have a Place in Modern Churches

We don’t hear much about the worship wars these days. At their most intense a couple of decades ago, the church was rent asunder by contentious debate about worship style, worship components, worship decorum, and practically everything else that goes on in our Sunday...

Ancient Disease Making Comeback in America

California has long been known affectionately as the land of ‘fruits and nuts.’ The recent abandonment of common hygiene and sanitary devolution through human defecation on the city streets at will without chastisement in major cities in California may...

Why Do Men Run Faster Than Women?

Testosterone plays a major role in why men run faster than women, on average. (Image: © Dima Sidelnikov/Shutterstock) —-   Running is a sport that both men and women enjoy, whether they’re racing in a 5K or a marathon, or competing for a team or their...