What is Going On In Our Country?

Everyone is wondering how our country has gotten into the sorry state of affairs we find it in today. The answer is both simple but difficult for the average citizen to understand, much less, accept. The process to correct our problems is difficult. Today we have a...

China, The WHO and COVID 19

Photo courtesy World news Today.   There has been much speculation as to the origin of COVID 19 (which includes Dr. Anthony Fauci and the US military) and China’s involvement in it’s creation, and of the pandemic it caused. China has been of little...

Who is the UN, Really?

In my past articles I have been examining the UN Charter. Lets pause and take a look at some of those who occupy the UN. Many of the organs of the UN are occupied by communists. Since the breakup of the Soviet Union many “new” countries , all ruled by communists who...

Why We Must Get Out of The United Nations

The UN Security Council.   In previous articles I have attempted to shed light on why the United States should not be involved in the U.N. and why every freedom loving person should do their own research on this organization. In this installment I continue to...

U.N. Security Council Pushes Arms Regulation

In the May 15th edition of THE STANDARD I mentioned the United Nations Security Council and some of its powers. Now its time to take a closer look at this part of the U.N. organization and its function in the One World Government that is to be implemented. The...