Student loans have become a life sentence for students who take them. The scriptures warn against “interest” (usury) and the progressive theft of money as a result of usury at Deuteronomy 23:19, “Thou shalt not lend upon usury to thy brother; usury...
Arlington Confederate Memorial Monument Beginning in 1900, the remaining Civil War Veterans in the District of Columbia area were moved to a special section, Section 16, in Arlington Cemetery, the national military cemetery where 290,000 soldiers are buried. By...
Evangelist George Whitfield sketched during the Great Awakening in the 1700’s was instrumental to the religious underpinning and founding of the United States. America was founded upon the idea and practice of Christianity throughout her institutions. In fact,...
Mark Houck. Photo courtesy “National Catholic Register” A number of conservative and pro-life groups have been upset about the reported treatment of a pro-life leader who was taken into custody by FBI in another “strong arm” tactic to intimidate...
Cultural hegemony involves radically changing what is normal and acceptable in a society. By normalizing perversion through media, books, movies, schools and government protection laws, etc., the indoctrination, and eventually the ‘new norms’ of...