‘They were mostly 18, 19, and 20 year old’s who had come to liberate Europe from tyranny. Thousands died on the beaches, but they kept coming knowing that some would get through. Most never had opportunity to marry or feel the joy of a newborn baby in their arms, or live to a ripe old age. But, because of them millions did live and that’s why we remember them.’ Photo courtesy Best Defense Foundation.


They were a different cut of people from a pattern of life that is not readily available today. They were men with strength of character and determination. The men were prepared to give the last full measure, and many did. The men pictured above were there, and tens of thousands more, they remember, and all they wanted then, and now, is that freedom would not perish from the face of the earth.

June 6, 1944 was a turning point in WWII that ultimately led to Allied victory over NAZI Germany. Tens of thousands of men made the secret landing at Normandy Beach on that fateful day. Thousands of those valiant heroes never returned, many never getting more than a foot or two onto the beach once they landed on it.

We have commemorated that battle and the sacrifices of the men who paid the price of victory with their own blood many times. And we will continue to remember the sacrifices of America’s heroes and valiant warriors who offer their own lives a sacrifice against tyranny.

People at times unthinkingly say “Happy Memorial Day” or “Happy D-Day” or other such trivial greetings. But, they are wrong. No! This day is anything but happy.

This is a day of remembering. A day to remember that freedom is not free! A day to remember that this freedom we sometimes take for granted often comes at a tremendous price of flesh and blood and sinew from men we may know and many we don’t. It’s a day to remember those who sacrificed and never returned home.

It is a day when we should reflect on what it means to actually have freedom in a country where the people have everything at their fingertips, and remember the deeds done by those who helped make that possible. Most everything is easy in America thanks to major sacrifice of life and limb. Where people can sit in their easy chair and never leave to make their money. Where most never think of the ravages of Communism many in the rest of the world live under daily, especially those who live under totalitarian communist regimes in China and elsewhere. Where most don’t even see that this country is falling under the bootheel of Communist machinations even now as we read this.

What too many don’t think about is that there is a reason why Americans have this freedom and others don’t. It is because there have been men of character in our country and culture who have been willing to step forward and defend our way of life. They stepped forward with the manpower, machinery and knowhow, to protect and defend against oppressors and dictators and totalitarians who wanted to impose their will by force upon the rest of us. This has been true from the very inception of this country whether it was in a king George, more current American residents or hidden foreign entities.

Think of our Founding Fathers George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry, Samuel Adams, and others. Think also of other patriots who contributed to America’s freedom. What great sacrifice they made to carve out independence and freedom for future Americans. Are you an American patriot?

Those men were raised in an environment where they were taught that America is a great country and they could do great things. A country with people capable of any great and noble thing. Where there was a difference between right and wrong, between good and bad. They were brought up in a country that once had morals enforced at home, church, school and state.

Unfortunately, this is too often not true today where homes are often a dysfunctional wreck, the church has too often compromised with the world, where Biblical doctrines are determined by how popular they are or by how much the offering plate yields. Today, even State legislators—Republican State Senators—argue and filibuster for the right to kill off the future generations of this state and nation—the future protectors of our noble heritage!

The men willing to protect and defend against those enemies of freedom are few and far between today. And why?

To our shame, many of those who live in this heavenly kingdom we call America march to the beat of those who want to enslave us, mentally handicap us and morally and physically destroy us, and the future protectors of this country! They do so by stealthily seeping into positions of trust, influence and power. Those institutions of government, church, school and even home are thus rotted out from within by the forces of evil that drive them.

And once there, those Communist devils who have sold their souls attempt to manipulate America and Americans. Of course they focus on the weakest link in the human chain, especially our youth. This is similar to Pharaoh or Herod of Biblical writ where they not only killed future generations at and before birth, but they destroy our youth with with demonic images of changing their God breathed destiny by seeking to alter their sex through mutilation of their bodies and corrupting their minds with perverted thoughts, images and physical modifications. Didn’t King Solomon say, Nothing is new under the sun?

American freedom is rapidly vanishing because of what these change agents have thrust into this nation. Bought and sold are they who have no love of country, of humanity, or of God. They are minions of all that is wrong and evil.

But, there is a new generation arising, and they present a new hope for the future. There are those who once again see that America is worth preserving, that future generations depend on what we do now to protect them and our future, and that will make all the difference. That because many of their parents and grandparents had vision to see ahead and removed them from the corrupt system of indoctrination that is so prevalent in our society now.

In 1769, American patriot James Otis told his fellow Massachusetts legislators “The times are dark and trying.” He then noted that “We may soon be called on in turn to act or to suffer.” Is today any different?

For those who see the dark storm clouds gathering upon America today, don’t hold back. Now is the time to act to save your country, and perhaps become a hero to future generations. America is worth saving, and you can have a part in that. We ask, ‘will you be a hero for future generations’ like these men of D-Day were for us?


Michael Reed is Publisher of The Standard newspaper, print and online. You may find our videos available on Rumble. The bulk of TheStandardSC video media channel has been censored by dominant social media groups like YouTube. YouTube, owed by Alphabet (Google), removed and destroyed all of our video work without permission or remuneration. That has stopped all potential donations from our many supporters on that venue. If you want to continue to see independent thought and reports please “like”, comment, share with a friend, and donate to support The Standard on this page to assure the continued availability of news that is ignored too often by the dominant media.

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