Border State U.S. Congressional Candidates have some of the most unique challenges running a political race than maybe any East coast U.S. Congressional Candidate. I understand each State brings its own unique challenges, but when invading Nations rush and jeopardize the lives of our citizens our U.S. National Security, the State of Arizona, like every other Border State become the Gatekeepers to the rest of the Nation.
As a Congressional candidate I’ve been asked, once in Congress how would I intend on helping our Nation’s outlandish runaway Budget to Ruin?
I tell them, “We can’t balance the National budget until we stop wasting Billions of hard earned American Tax dollars to foreign freeloaders in and out of our Nation. Those living in the U.S. comfortably in rent free homes, with free food and other accommodations have it good, while hundreds or thousands of misplaced Veterans try to live and sleep in cardboard boxes along the sides of streets and exposed to open air conditions and other dangers or try and survive in 110 degree Arizona deserts.
A Border Patrol agent offers water to two men caught after illegally entering the U.S. through the Arizona desert. Roughly 80,000 federal workers have jobs related to immigration enforcement. Photo: Edna San Miguel
So how does one even begin to attack the waste of American Tax dollars, illegal misuse and abuse of 501(c)3 Tax Exempt dollars, supporting South American Nations and the Mexican Government from invading our borders? Our border State citizens struggle with this mass invasion daily with high crimes, lost employment, and overcrowded schools, while the United Nations sees to it they are fully involved in the process of tearing down our Nation.
The United Nations has situated their employees, representatives, and Spanish speaking International attorneys at our Arizona Mexican Border towns. They facilitate mass migration emergency assistance and mass invasions that Arizonans witnesses daily.
The United Nations and their fully funded 501(c)3 Open Border Organizations––hundreds of them––work with and assist the Mexican Government, moving masses of their people with no proper legal citizenship status into hometown USA with the help of left leaning socialist active churches, fast track citizenship status organizations, and many rural town bleeding heart residents who harbor unvetted, unimmunized illegal aliens.
Illegal immigrants flooding border with DHS bus transportation waiting. Photo: Edna San Miguel
I witness the mass movement of illegal aliens daily as well as many other Arizonans. This usually takes place very early in the morning when Mexican luxury buses, DHS buses, and all sorts of large passenger buses, full of approved “Asylum Seekers” drive right on by in these over crowded buses heading North on our U.S. Highways, for fast track U.S. Citizenship to be reunited with family already living in the U.S. Again, I can never say this enough, it is a common occurrence in Sanctuary Cities as well as in the Tucson and Phoenix area for hundreds of “asylum seekers” to come on through our International borders without a hitch. Why is this still happening? We are told by DHS that DHS Border holding cells are overcrowded and illegals have to be moved out and let go free into the streets of America.
Our nation is in serious trouble folks! Calling for a National Emergency, proposed by our President, Donald J. Trump, will be a much welcomed event in the State of Arizona. We are front line Warriors and Patriots in our Nation and also prepared to defend our borders if necessary.
Those who live in our nation illegally and oppose our established immigration laws, will not get their monthly food stamp rations with a National Emergency. This could create a rise in great street demonstrations, possible bodily threats against U.S. citizens, that could precipitate militarization of our International Borders of Arizona, Texas, New Mexico and California with Mexico. If this occurs, it will be a necessity to confront National threats against our cities and Citizens.
Again living in a border State comes with it’s unique problems, but also comes with the strongest and most determined American Patriots ready and conditioned to see that our borders remain secured and citizens fully prepared for anything that comes our way. I will be the first to say that the Old West is still the Wild Wild West.
Edna San Miguel is a regular columnist in The Standard newspaper. Edna is an 8th generation American with family from Texas (where her great great grandfather fought at the Alamo) and Arizona. She is an Arizona school teacher, author, illustrator for the Arizona Sonora Desert Museum, involved in SW Arizona missions antiquities restoration with the Guggenheim Museum and a former U.S. Congressional candidate. She is an expert on issues that include human trafficking, drugs, illegals and those behind the scenes.