Knowledge means you can make better decisions based on facts, good opinion and knowledge to go forward. Without that good information you may turn to the left when it would be best for you to turn right. In other words, you could go in the opposite direction than what would be in your best interest.

News reporting is that way. If you don’t have the proper perspective to actually see what is taking place you could be fooled by erroneous reporting or “Fake News“! Apparently it happens quite often as big corporate media is quite often caught in the act of reporting “fibs”.

The Standard wants to make sure that doesn’t happen to you, or any of our readers. That’s why we carefully research the articles we provide to you for accuracy and truth. This takes time and effort.

This week is recognized as charitable giving week with December 3rd designated as “Giving Tuesday” by the Powers that be and The Standard asks that you participate in this cause.

It is a fact that 99% of our readers don’t give to support the cause of Independent journalism. Based on the numbers of people who visit our website most read the articles and simply ignore the source from which they receive the information. The Standard is NOT big corporately funded journalism.

real news and conservative views. The Standard newspaper

The print edition of The Standard newspaper began in June 2018. We now have an online presence reaching readers around the world, but we need your support to continue informing with “real news and conservative views.”

Do Not be deceived! Just because an article, or news and information is on our internet website does not mean that it just suddenly appeared and showed up on the screen. There are real people who care about truth, write news and opinion and who spend countless hours researching, assembling information and writing the articles that appear on our pages–even if they are digital pages on the internet! They work late quite often to do this! Be assured we research to bring suitable, timely and important news articles to you, whether created by The Standard staff, or researched by The Standard and supplied by trusted news sources.

The Standard depends on your donations to continue our mission. We’ve had to be away from posting the past few days trying to find donors to help us achieve our mission to finish out this year and into 2020. There is much taking place behind the scenes in our world that directly affects you and your family that needs to be exposed, and we need your help to do it.

Many issues will affect you in the next year where you’ll need to have solid facts and information to make decisions, such as: Primary and General Elections in 2020; Legislation in 2020; Civic and Church affairs in 2020; What’s happening with our Money and currency; Schools, School Districts and Education; Gender Issues and how Your Children are affected; the War against our Culture and History, and ultimately us; Governmental affairs; will we remain a Republic or decline into a socialist and Marxist oligarchy, and more. These issues are churning now and it will be more important than ever to receive truthful and accurate information to make decisions that affect you and your family.


A Cup of Tea or Two

Toxic Soda. The Standard

Donate what you spend on soda to help The Standard, lose weight and be in better health.

If all our readers will donate what you would spend on a couple of sodas, or the cost of two coffees or tea, you can help us to continue supplying unique and valuable information. And we need you to do that Today.

I’m asking you to commit to donate the cost of two cups of tea, coffee or soda per month to The Standard. Even better, if every reader would donate the cost of one or two tea’s or coffee’s per week, that’s only $9-10 month, or more, we could make expenses to achieve our goal of informing our readers far into the new year.

I know, some of us are ‘financially challenged’ more than others, but each of us contributing toward the overall goal will help us all to see victory! You can even make a one time gift to our work. If you have been abundantly blessed financially you are unlimited in your generosity and support. That would assure we continue providing  valuable and pertinent information for you and your family to enable you to make better informed decisions.

Most people donate because our information is useful and valuable to them in some way. Look back over our pages and see for yourself what we’ve reported on this year.

Unfortunately, most will simply ignore our plea and abandon our call to support independent American journalism at The Standard and accept the half truths of big corporate media as gospel. Those outlets are called “Fake News” quite often for a reason. Thus, we have decisions to make: you have decisions to make on whether to continue accepting the same old half truths or support independent news that The Standard brings  to you. And we have decisions to make at The Standard on whether we can afford to continue expanding our outreach for our ultimate victory or cut back on staff and vitally needed equipment. It’s really in your hands if we stay afloat or not.

As a final note: most readers know that if Christians and conservatives don’t step up now and support publications like The Standard who have opinions that reflect our world view we will be forced to have only one side of the story. Censorship, Marxists, and leftists of all sorts control most of the news and opinion narrative now, it will only change if you support those who bring you ‘real news and conservative views‘.

“Withhold not good from them to whom it is due, when it is in the power of thine hand to do it.” Proverbs 3:27

The Standard has provided, as our motto says, real news and honest conservative opinion, from reliable sources you can trust. Help us bring more ‘real news and conservative views’ from The Standard! I’m asking you to please take a brief moment to support us in our mission to our community. Of course you can donate any amount at any time to The Standard, but I’m asking you to contribute TODAY, right now!

Thank you for your most generous support of our work at this time. I’m looking forward to our work together. Michael Reed, Editor.


Michael Reed is Editor of The Standard, a pastor, businessman and conference speaker.