This year the general election is on November 3, 2020. But, in order to vote citizens must register in the county where they live to be eligible to do so. As of this writing you have less than 60 days to register to vote. (Find your State election commission here.)

Many people who may be eligible to vote age wise have failed to register with the county and will not be able to vote in the upcoming election unless they register at least 30 days before the election date. The sooner the better is what most people say in case of a snag or holdup of some kind.

Travis County Voter Registration Drive in Full Swing for ...For too many years too many people have thrown up their hands and in exasperation and frustration stayed home instead of voting! Why? Because they didn’t plan ahead to research candidates running and what they stand for. This is another election year to exercise your ability to cast that vote. Please, make it an informed vote!

I found the video below and it makes a good case for what too many people typically take for granted. We thought it made the point well. The video asks the questions about ‘who cares about the future of America, education, religious freedom, the unborn, or the world you’re leaving your children?’

Too many people don’t think about these questions prior to voting. Not to mention when voting in a general election you cast a vote for who will decide who is nominated for the court system and judgships.



The consequences of making an ill informed vote, or not voting at all, can be disastrous! Elections are decided by the total number of votes each candidate gets. In some cases when all the votes are tallied the victory may be less than one vote on average! Many examples of that exist: John F. Kennedy and Adolf Hitler among them!

Each state has their own Election Commission where voters can either register or find out more information on how to register and where to vote in all elections within their state. For example, in my state of South Carolina you would find election information that will include candidates, districts, elections, registration, etc. If you live in SC that would be at:

Regardless of where you live, register to vote at least 30 days prior to the election so you may vote on November 3, 2020, in the General election. And as you know, this election is very important to the future of our country. Register now, as soon as possible. Vote wisely!


Michael Reed is Editor of The Standard.



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