Illegals forge through American Airports ill with communicable diseases such as leprosy
The refugee migration is unfortunately far more boundless and ahead in development than most U.S. citizens understand. The United Nations under Agenda 2030 is on a fast track timeline to settle thousands of Indigenous Mexican illegals into the United States. The United Nations, with the Mexican Government, is at the forefront at advancing Globalism in America, laying the groundwork to break down the U.S. into regions, with full United Nation representation and protection of illegals, and an attempt to end America as a sovereign Nation.
The San Xavier Mission in Tuscon, Arizona has become a refuge for illegal aliens seeking to remain in the U.S. The Mission has stood for over 300 years. Photo by Edna San Miguel
The United States is entangled under the United Nations Declaration On The Rights of Indigenous Peoples, it affirms that indigenous peoples have suffered from historic injustices as a result of inter alia, their colonization, and dispossession of their lands, territories, and resources, thus preventing them from exercising, in particular, their right to develop in accordance with their own needs and interests under the United Nations mandate. The chaos starts at U.S. airports.
The U.S. Refugee Resettlement Organization D.C. office, marshals in refugees in the dead of night. Refugees are transported to settlement camps on various U.S. Airline flights in the dead of night to avoid being seen by large crowds of traveling Americans. Illegals forge through American Airports ill with communicable diseases such as leprosy, whereas many Americans are not privy to such medical data.
Refugees are brought to resettlement locations, are issued the usual social accommodations as well as cash, a U.S. Passport and Social Security benefits. When at all possible encouraged to apply for lifetime disability benefits under social security.
FUNU is the acronym for “full name unknown”. When zero vetting refugees are recorded as FUNU, the majority of them are males aged 15 to 45 instead of women and children. Religious Organizations are cashing in on big money for mobilizing refugees above their cost. The Wilson Fish Program enables the U.S. Government to swindle State sovereignty in refugee resettlement by underwriting third-Party 501(C)3 refugee Organizations. Third party organizations benefit from Taxpayers money. The following are some involved businesses: Catholic Charities, Lutheran Organizations, and Jewish Family Services. They collect $2500 to process a refugee, plus block grants to staff the operations of an office.
Meanwhile in Mexico the TV dramas continue.The Secretary of Foreign Affairs (SRE), Marcelo Ebrard, asserted that the Mexican government is prepared to defend Mexican immigrants who may be victims of the “massive deportations” as declared by President Donald Trump. At a Mexican press conference in Mexico’s National Palace, equivalent to our White House, Ebrard stated that with the use of all 50 Mexican consulates offices located in all the U.S., legal defense will be available for all refugees who seek advice.
Ebrard reported that he has explored all the legal means possible to safeguard refugees in the U.S. He stated that he will fearlessly assert an equipped and prepared assembly of a legal defense team to oversee all Mexican consulate offices in the United States. The Mexican chancellery has the capability to coordinate the circumstances at hand, so that if these deportations embark, and with daily updates, he will travel to the United States to defend fellow Mexican Nationals. Refugees are used as tools of invasion for the UN Agenda 2030. Most Americans agree, it has to stop!
Every South American refugee/illegal, settled in the U.S., is officially recognized by the United Nations as protected indigenous peoples. U.N. Peacekeepers, soldiers, may be placed wherever the refugees reside. The U.N. has schemed to nationally remove our Sheriff’s in order to implement total U.N. Authority in our Nation. U.N. Resolution 61/295, the U.N. Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, must be stopped. Call Statesmen and Stateswomen to get out of the United Nations Today! Don’t bother with the Politicians.
Edna San Miguel is a regular columnist in THE STANDARD newspaper. Edna is an 8th generation American with family from Texas (her great great grandfather fought at the Alamo) and Arizona. She is an Arizona school teacher, author, illustrator for the Arizona Sonora Desert Museum, involved in SW Arizona missions antiquities restoration with the Guggenheim Museum and a former U.S. Congressional candidate. She is an expert on issues that include human trafficking, drugs, illegals and those behind the scenes.