Photo courtesy Pinterest.
When a Christian talks to an atheist about origins of life, the atheist will always tell you that you need to follow the science and stop your faith in God. What you need to do at that point is say: It takes more faith to believe in evolution than it does to believe in God!
Louis Pasteur. Photo courtesy Encyclopedia Britannica.
Why? Because to believe in evolution, you have to believe in life forming from non-life. This is a scientific impossibility, proven over and over again. It is not a theory, it is a scientific fact that abiogenesis (spontaneous generation, life from non-life) is impossible.
Louis Pasteur proved this many years ago! Since evolution depends on this absolutely impossible first step, then you are being asked to BELIEVE in an impossibility. You must place faith into your belief of evolution!
So there are only two ways life could start, naturally (abiogenesis) or supernaturally. Those are the only two choices, and cover every possible explanation for life starting. Since the natural process is a scientific impossibility, then the supernatural (God), is the only possible explanation.
And don’t let them get away with saying evolution has nothing to do with how life started… Life must start somehow, so ask them how it started… They can only give you an example like the “primordial soup” theory…which still requires life starting from non-life!
The one group of scientists out there that should be listened to the most on this subject, are the cell biologists. They study the parts of the cell, including DNA, and learn how it interacts to live. What has been found over the last few decades is a new system called epigenetics. This new system is what controls how the DNA is utilized to promote cell functions. It is now KNOWN that in most cases, when a cell responds to outside influences to change its DNA product, it is not a mutation or change in the DNA, just in what is being read! The epigenetics cuts off some sections of DNA from being replicated, and turns on other parts that may have never been used before (so the bird’s beak is now shorter to allow it to break nuts, for example, which is Darwin’s original thought that started belief in evolution). If the conditions change again, then the epigenetics can turn off the new section of DNA, and turn back on the old section!!! Thus, what scientists have been saying for years is evolution with a DNA change, is not! No evolution, just natural selection that was already embedded in the DNA, but not used until needed!
DNA is life’s backbone. Photo courtesy MIT.
For many years, evolutionists have said that a majority of our DNA in our chromosomes is “junk DNA”. They call it that because it is not being used. They say that it is old genetic code that was left over during the evolutionary process. What we now KNOW is that this “extra” genetic material is code that is waiting to be read when needed! When the epigenetic system senses an outside influence that needs a certain protein or code to combat or adapt to it, it will “cut on” this extra code and produce the trait that will help it to adapt. In Darwin’s finches, the code would change the length of the bill to allow the finch to crack nuts to eat.
There have been bacteria found in the Artic that has the gene to resist modern antibiotics…They were never exposed to the antibiotic before, but the gene is already there! It is now part of that “junk” DNA of the cell. And when it is exposed to the antibiotic the first time, the epigenetics turns on the gene! How could that evolve?
A few big questions: 1. How could the DNA and the Epigenetics “evolve” independently of each other? Epigenetics is required to read the DNA, the DNA is required to make the epigenetic process! 2. How could all of these previously “junk” sections of DNA “evolve” if they were not being used? 3. If the DNA did not change during the adaptation, then how could the species change into another species over time?
The bottom line, over the last thirty years, cell biologists have become the highest believers of intelligent design of all the scientists out there, with a great majority of them no longer believing in evolution! The “scientists” that still promote it? Geologists, archeologists, and the like that have no scientific way to prove anything they “find”. And when one of them finds something that contradicts everything they “know”? Look at the finding of soft tissue in dinosaur bones that they say lived millions of years ago, when the soft tissue can’t survive thousands of years…each time a scientist uncovers the soft tissue, he is out of a job by his peers!
So when you read where a microbe “evolved” due to exposure to some substance by gaining information to make it resistant to the substance… Or a new strain “evolved” due to any reason, know that that is a lie! It is still the same species, and all it did was read another section of its DNA to help resist the substance. If the substance is removed, and the organism can live better without the new change, the epigenetics will turn off the resistance to the substance and continue as before! NO CHANGE IN DNA, NO NEW SPECIES!
Patrick Richardson is a SC financial advisor.
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