White House Press Secretary for Joe Biden, Democrat Jen Psaki was sporting her favorite headpiece in 2014—a communist “hammer and sickle” fur hat while couched between Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, and then Secretary of State John Kerry, who gleefully looks on!
If you were given a hat from a Russian diplomat that celebrated communism would you wear it? Would you pose for a picture in it? White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki in fact did just that in 2014 in a lead up to the Winter Olympics.
The hammer and sickle can be plainly seen over the images of Lenin and Stalin during the bloody rule of Communism in the Soviet Union.
Psaki claims to be a “powerful messenger” as a spokesman for the White House now, and then as spokesman for the Department of State. But, while she claims to be that messenger she disavows any critical thinking of the people that she now wants to shrink from, calling those who believe what she has promoted as “a rube for the Russian propaganda machine.”
Psaki says bringing up the “hammer and sickle” hat photo should be “dismissed as ‘propaganda machine’ disinformation”. She also called anyone who points out that she was wearing a Soviet Communist symbol is a “puppet of the propaganda machine.”
Isn’t it rational to question her judgment, if not her loyalty to America and American ideals when she openly wears a symbol of communism? This is the symbol of a brutal regime that has taken the lives and livelihoods of untold millions around the world who have fled the jaws of Communist destruction!
Here’s the cap up close with Soviet Communist insignia in the front. This insignia reminds readers old enough to remember the days of Russian brutal dictator Joseph Stalin and Vladimir Lenin. Between the two Soviet butchers over 30,000,000 men, women and children were murdered! Over 25 million by starvation (called the Holodomor), not to mention the murder by beatings, torture and firing squads. Does Psaki’s fashion statement from 2014 give away her deepest desires for Americans?
If you were John Kerry would you tell Jen Psaki to remove the hat “out of respect for the United States of America.” Can you imagine celebrating a regime that murdered 30 million people under Stalin alone?
Press secretary Jen Psaki should resign and go to MSN where she belongs. At the time Psaki was State Department spokeswoman, now she has no business being anywhere near the White House.
The wearing of a symbol of murderous communism and all that it implies is repugnant to this Republic and all true Americans. It is certainly a sharp contrast and offense to “America First” and the idea of the Make America Great Again concept.
She has openly displayed that she has no respect for our country or the men and women who died for freedom. Nor does traitor Kerry or a compromised President with dementia. Russia is not our friend and that hat is no joke.
I don’t care if this picture was taken years ago. It demonstrates her character and distain for America, and Kerry’s too. She could have simply apologized for a foolish mistake, instead she attacked those who have eyes to see what and who she really is as a deceiver for a new Communist style regime seeking to “fundamentally change” America like komrade Obama said.
Colette Harrington is the author of “Newport Wedding Belles“, and co-writer of the film “Only God Can“, which was released at the box office to outstanding reviews. She hosted the Charleston based TV show Sweet Carolina and has worked in talk radio. She’s a member of the Screen Actors Guild, and writer of the award winning play “Marble House”. She may be reached at SweetCarolinaTV@gmail.com.
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