The homeless are no longer just wino’s and the mentally ill. In the most socialist portions of America, they are increasingly the result, when members of the middle class fall through the cracks.

According to a report on MSNBC, broadcast today, a whopping 47.3% of all the homeless people in America live in the state of California.

California once touted an economy that would have made them number five in the world if they were an independent nation. Over the last decade California’s business environment has crumbled. They are now close to the bottom in everything that contributes to citizens quality of life.

They are among the highest taxed people in the nation, including the highest state income taxes in a nation where 18% of states do not have any state income tax. The median price of a home in California is now $1.6 million with no signs price growth will slow any time soon.

Billionaires like Elon Musk have left. More importantly, his newest TESLA mega factory is being built in Austin, Texas, not his former home state of California. Ditto for his SpaceX corporation looking to colonize Mars. New spaceports are under construction in Boca Chica, Texas and Cape Canaveral, Florida.

The ability to work from home remotely, by means of Zoom and similar technology, has allowed hundreds of thousands of the best and brightest members of the workforce to keep high paying jobs for California based businesses; while living and working from homes in Colorado, Arizona, Nevada, Utah and even Texas.

California is left with millions of people with menial jobs, often in entry level positions, who without access to the high paying jobs fueling the real estate bubble, cannot afford homes at all and are now camping in tents and crapping on sidewalks in once tony sections of San Francisco and Los Angeles.

There is no end in sight to this tale of two Americas living side by side. For millions of Californians the Covid-19 insanity has merely exacerbated an already dramatic new “great depression” in America.

I say there is no end in sight because California government leaders continue to turn the screws on those still working in California with goofy socialist ideas like the new progressive tax on businesses whose CEO’s make more than factory workers by a percentage government thinks is too much.

As California continues to poke billionaires in the eye with a sharp stick, Texas and Florida, are now the fastest growing economies in America. As if anyone needed confirmation free enterprise works and socialism does not, California stands as the poster child for STUPID!


Dean Allen is a decorated Vietnam veteran, book author and former Secretary of the Anderson (SC) GOP. He is also President of Freedom Source University where this article first appeared.

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