It appears our own government representatives have sold the farm and American citizens with it, as they are destroying the sovereignty and independence our forefathers fought for by seeking the corrupt ‘blessings’ of the communist dominated World Health Organization of the United Nations. Many American patriots sacrificed their own blood to attain the liberties we have enjoyed. That may soon change if not prevented. Photo courtesy of
Proverbs 16:18 Pride goes before destruction, and haughtiness before a fall.
Ephesians 4:18 They are darkened in their understanding, alienated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them, due to their hardness of heart.
Judas Goat Part 5
Sunday May 22, 2022, is the date the U.S. is scheduled to present Provisional Agenda Item 16.2 to the United Nations which will cede our national health authority to the World Health Organization (WHO) and the other United Nations (UN) members. The U.S. Biden Administration made these proposals.
January 18, 2022, in Provisional Agenda Item 16.2, officials from the Biden Administration sent the World Health Organization (WHO) extensive amendments to strengthen WHO’s ability to intervene into the affairs of countries only suspected of possibly having a “health emergency” of possible concern to other nations.
This is U.S. sovereignty suicide
Photo courtesy of AmericaOutLoud
As mentioned in the previous TheStandardSC article “The W.H.O. Coup Judas Goat Part 4”, many member states of the European Union (EU) are in favor of this as are a number of other countries. These changes to the governing rules are huge; then add the WHO Pandemic Treaty combined with a US Disinformation Governance Board and its equivalence in other parts of the world and we are watching the creation of dystopian global rule. This is a future we may have to live in, if we do not speak up, and quickly.
One of the ways of winning a war is to attack various fronts at the same time to diffuse the effectiveness of resistance. This multi-front attack seems to be taking place. Those who hold to a Biblical worldview can readily see these actions are targeting our ability to live our birthright as the Image-bearers of Almighty God, one of which is our ability to make choices which includes what goes into our bodies; how we share the gospel, worship, and other life choices aligned with Biblical teaching.
What is nonBiblical is what destroys persons and nations. The U.S. is not immune from reaping what we’ve sown through lack of taking a stand as rights and Biblical morality was etched away a bit at a time. U.S. citizens must take notice of what is going on; and then take consistent action. We need to steward our own backyard, and we need to pray and take whatever actions Holy Spirit leads at home and abroad. “Let a man regard us in this manner, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. In this case, moreover, it is required of stewards that one be found trustworthy.” 1 Corinthians 4:1-2
The EU and UK versions of eliminating freedom of speech began, December, 2020, when the European Commission (EC) of the EU presented a digital service package composed of the Digital Services Act (DSA) and Digital Markets Act (DMA) forming the two pillars of their first-time digital regulation reflecting both European values and the European model. A provisional political agreement between the EC and EU Parliament was reached March 24, 2022 which is subject to approval by both bodies.
The United Kingdom (UK), version of limiting free speech, the Online Safety Bill, as of May 13, 2022, Bill 004 2022-23, was sponsored by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport. It was introduced and concluded its second reading in the House of Commons Committee. It is pending the Committee Report to move forward.
Barak Obama. Photo courtesy of Unian Information Agency.
Our U.S. history is longer and different. In 2016, The U.S. Senate quietly passed the Countering Information Warfare Act, embedding it within the National Defense Authorization Act to conceal this strong legislation against the public. President Obama signed it into law in early 2017. This nullified the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948, which explicitly forbids any U.S. Government information manipulation, falsification and use of psychological operations aimed at influencing/controlling U.S. public opinion and subsequent behavior(s). It’s debatable how much it had been adhered to up to 2017. Regardless, the 2017 Countering Information Warfare Act gave the U.S. government authority to use press/media interactions for its own propaganda against the very individuals it is supposed to serve in addition to using it against foreign governments; and to use commercial marketing strategies and psychological manipulation in its external communications. It paved a narrow one-way street. The US government can legally lie to us; but it appears we cannot say the truth or question information at all as now they want to regulate what is called truth. Congress needs to repeal this. How can we raise children to be honest if the Federal Government codified lying and manipulation for its selfish outcomes? Without honesty there is no communication; only disrespect and abuse. This makes the US Disinformation Governance Board an entity of additional insults to existing disrespect and abusive behavior, and a danger.
The “Countering Information Warfare Act gave the U.S. government authority to use press/media interactions for its own propaganda against the very individuals it is supposed to serve…”
The timing on the media/speech and ceding sovereignty to the WHO by what had heretofore been self-governing countries has a common denominator and it is unlikely to be a coincidence.
These countries, including the U.S., all have significant numbers of graduates of the WEF’s Young Global Leadership program in pivotal positions throughout their governments. Many of the U.S.’s and other countries’ largest, wealthiest business leaders are not only graduates but also personal and/or corporate sponsors of the WEF and WHO. Many have created global non-profits to manipulate public perception regarding their actions of financial conflicts of interest. Most of the alumni of Young Global Leadership act like a brotherhood. It is no surprise they support their mutual interests and beliefs.
If the UN/WHO accepts Provisional Agenda Item 16.2, which currently is expected, its worldwide implementation will begin in November, 2022, its targeted completion is May 2024. This proposal gives away the sovereignty of the U.S. Federal Government and thereby also impugns the sovereignty of the 50 states and all local governments.
Photo courtesy of AmericaOutLoud.
The extensive new powers of Agenda Item 16.2 would be vested primarily in the Director-General of WHO to act on his own. The Director-General is Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus who is the first non-physician director-general of the WHO. He is a Marxist activist politician from Ethiopia put forward to this position in the WHO by the Chinese Communist Party; and he works closely with the WEF. These amendments of Agenda Item 16.2 would empower WHO’s Director-General to declare health emergencies or crises in any nation unilaterally – even against the opposition of the target nation. These may include behavioral, mental and potential health crises. It is so broad, there may never again be a time in which portions of the world are not under the supervision of the WHO. Couple this set of governance amendments with the equally comprehensive control within the WHO’S Pandemic Treaty and add the communication police and we get a highly restrictive One World Government.
Photo courtesy of TheObserver.
Recall, the US announced in the UN, May 11, 2016, its support for The Kigali Principles, which gave approval for U.N. peacekeeping troops and police to use force to protect civilians in armed conflicts on the soil of signature nations. U.S. Ambassador Samantha Power said at the signing, at the U.N. that the US was “proud” and “humbled” to join 28 other countries pledged to obey the Kigali Principles. U.N. peacekeepers from these 29 countries are now required to act globally in cases where civilians are reported to be in danger. This may include actions against U.S. “domestic terrorists” as occurred in Canada with the peaceful truckers protests.
It would be wise for U.S. citizens to make guaranteeing U.S. federal, state and local government sovereignty a “deal-breaker” issue for the 2022 and 2024 elections. It is important for all reading this to forward it or its link to at least ten other households. I suggest prayerfully writing and/or speaking with those seeking to be elected officials about not signing any binding agreements eliminating our sovereignty as a nation or our Constitutional rights; and to pass legislation which corrects the previous misdeeds done by the U.S. legislative and executive branches. No sovereignty, no authority, no accountability, no freedom or liberties – like the old Billy Preston song: “nothing from nothing leaves nothing …”
Klaus Schwab demands:
you will own nothing and be happy.
If Klaus Schwab and his WEF Young Global Leadership alumni mentees think deprivation brings happiness, let them divest themselves of their assets rather than creating nonprofits which are personal profit generators.
In the immediate we can and need to take action by discussing these concerns with family members including youth and with friends; also with any persons of influence or in positions of authority in our personal communities. The issues suggested are: national government sovereignty, personal medical autonomy, Constitutional freedoms guaranteed in the Bill of Rights, calling evil good by codifying lying and manipulative propaganda to the public the government is to protect and serve. There are other Biblical worldview issues which have been and will continue to be addressed in other articles in The Standard SC. May 22 is close upon us – when the WHO votes on the take over of national sovereignty through micromanaging our lives via vaccine passports, lock-downs, and linking our bank accounts to our behavior choices; which the WHO could do with this U.S. Biden Administration set of amendments to the WHO/UN regulations.
Acts 17:30-31 The times of ignorance God overlooked, but now He commands all people everywhere to repent, because He has fixed a day on which He will judge the world in righteousness by a man whom He has appointed; and of this He has given assurance to all by raising Him from the dead.
Your elected representatives want to know what you think about this issue. Contact them.
US Senate:
Senator Lindsey Graham
Senator Tim Scott
Let me know what they say.
Barbara Bush, M.P.S. was an alcoholic/drug addict until age 34, and after a 5 year cleansing period she earned a master’s degree from Loyola University Graduate Institute for Ministry. Her career has spanned federal, state and local governments, community organizations and ministry working in behavioral health, criminal justice and human services. For the past ten years she has focused on promoting Biblical Truth. She is the principal at Graceful Dynamics Consulting.
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