Children, young people and adults are being indoctrinated to the point that they are being driven to insanity with Communist brainwashing techniques. Nothing is as it should be anymore, sanity has exited the building! Left behind is an array of people suffering with the destruction of their minds and lives.
I am an American born citizen of the USA, and I adore my country. In fact, after God, America is right there.
I was born the exact same day as Donald Trump, June 14, 1946, so I grew up in the 1950’s. I am an original Baby Boomer.
I was taught in public schools when we went to learn the basics like reading, writing, and arithmetic. We also had history and geography and a few other subjects thrown in. And we learned how to appreciate America. We said the Pledge of Allegiance every day, and after 1955 we added the words “Under God” to it. We didn’t question it, we just knew it was important.
When I was a kid we did kid stuff, and boys were boys and girls were girls. That was it, no in between. When I was in elementary school boys called girls names and girls called boys names. We all knew the other sex had Cooties. No one ever got thrown out for sexual harassment. None of us knew what that was. We were allowed to be kids and discover stuff on our own. Sometimes we got the wrong info, but that is part of growing up. Back then no one really understood what sex was, and we didn’t need to.
We were simply kids allowed to be kids. Sure you got in trouble when you did the wrong thing. You definitely never wanted to go to the principal’s office, especially when you knew the other kids would probably go ooh he was bad. The principal’s office was a scary place. More than that, you never wanted your parents to find out.
The bottom line was school was for learning as well as you could with what you comprehended. You did the best you could, hopefully. You didn’t talk back to teachers or adults. If you did there were consequences. It was easier being a kid back then even with the rules you had to follow. For most of us it was a calmer time.
However, we have somehow come into an age where everything seems upside down. Teachers have moved on from reading books like Dick and Jane and Spot, to Dick and Dick and Jane and Jane. Gender has no identity anymore. Everyone is taught that having two dads or two moms is okay. The kids are told that they may not be the gender they were born with by woke agenda teachers.
Imagine being a six year old boy and your teacher tells you that you are really a girl. What kid would understand that? They are confused enough, why make it harder on them?
They are told to get hormone treatments to have their gender reassigned. Really? At six you have no idea of what that means, or why you were told that. Worse yet, states like California want to allow little kids to do that without parental consent.
As a parent I would have been consumed in anger if I found out my kid was being told that. Imagine what we are doing to kid’s heads?
Kids can get screwed up on their own, without help from liberal teachers. Does anyone ask why schools are having drag queens read gay stories to kids? It is insane!
Worse yet little kids are being taken to drag shows in gay bars by their parents. We have gone insane and have no moral compass any longer.
Besides giving little kids indoctrination on insane woke agendas about sex they are being brainwashed with CRT. Why would you tell a young white child they are racist if they are white? How does a child comprehend that? Talk about screwing up kids heads, it’s outrageous. We have enough people who are confused and depressed without creating entire generations of them. There is no reason whatsoever to indoctrinate kids with this garbage.
The left is on a mission to destroy America by divide and conquer. What better way to do it then by starting by indoctrinating little kids. Hitler did it very successfully.
These kids are growing up with no idea of what right and wrong is. Not only because of what is going on in schools, but also parents are clueless how to be a parent it seems. Let’s teach little kids all the stuff that confuses them even more than they are, and then they go home where they are left to their own imagination playing video games that give points for the more people you can murder. Then we wonder why we have mass shootings. Never even happened when I was growing up.
America is being divided by sex and race and any other way the left can do it. Sadly they start with the kids. Kids who grow up so screwed up they have no idea of reality. If you look back in history you see this pattern over and over in countries that were destroyed from within. However that is another subject for a later time. I am not sure how we can overcome this destructive disease that is eating away at the fabric of our country, unless enough people get mad enough before we burn and crash as a free country.
As I said Hitler started with indoctrination of kids and divided people with race hate and lies and propaganda. If we don’t stop the madness of indoctrinating kids we are doomed.
Stuart Behar moved to SC from Los Angeles to escape the leftist regime in California, where he was born. He has written over 3,000 poems and published five books, one a book of poems entitled Reflections of the Spirit. His mission reach people with the message to save America from the sewer it is becoming.
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