Florida governor Ron DeSantis and President Donald Trump on the stump in Florida. Photo courtesy RepublicanWire.org.
What a wonderful job Governor Ron DeSantis is doing in Florida. Quite a few people are encouraging him to run for president of these United States in 2024.
If President Trump had endorsed Governor DeSantis they would have had my enthusiastic support.
But, since President Trump announced he is running, I believe the better course of action for the GOP is to nominate and elect him.
It is now relatively easy to pile up landslide wins in the state of Florida. It is after all part of the old South, meaning folks there are naturally conservative. Not just politically conservative but culturally conservative.
Florida is still home to ethnic Cubans who fled Castro’s dictatorship there. They and their descendants are fiercely anti-Communist. They all vote Republican.
More than 800 new residents a day move into Florida. There were 100,000 more registered voters election night than four years ago as a result of all that in migration. Almost every one of those was a conservative who moved away from some place like New York or California where taxes are higher and state government regulations are insane. They too vote Republican by lopsided margins.
President Trump lives and votes in Florida. That is a tremendous asset for Republicans in Florida. Those factors made it easier for Rubio and DeSantis to win big in Florida and I congratulate them. Running for president nation wide will require our 2024 nominee to also run in 49 states where he will not have incumbency or any of those Florida advantages.
Without any disrespect at all for Governor DeSantis; President Trump has run nation wide and won–twice–proving he knows how to do it and will not freeze under pressure. Governor DeSantis has not been put under that pressure.
I attended the Republican national convention in Tampa, Florida, and sat 75 feet from Governor Mitt Romney when he made his acceptance speech becoming the GOP nominee that year.
Governor, now Senator Mitt Romney, has a large, beautiful family, he is a spiffy dresser, he has a smooth articulate command of the English language. Romney never mangles our language the way George W. Bush and especially Donald Trump often do. Governor Romney is a multi-millionaire and the son of the former governor of Michigan.
Romney should have cruised to an easy victory. Instead he froze, like the proverbial deer in the headlights, during the televised debate with Barack Obama.
Governor DeSantis looks good. In fact, he looks almost as good as Governor Romney did. But he has never been tested in a national campaign the way President Trump has been.
Not to take anything away from Governor DeSantis’ spectacular win on election night, but a LOT of the groundswell for him to run for president is coming from RINO’s, Democrats and never-Trump Republicans, all gleeful over an opportunity to stop Trump whom they hate. Those crowds will jump on any bandwagon, as long as they can throw Donald Trump under it.
Finally some of my friends suggested nominating Governor DeSantis as President Trump’s running mate. That won’t happen because Donald Trump too lives in Florida and our Constitution specifies the president and vice president must be from different states.
Let’s get Donald Trump back in the White House. Then Governor DeSantis may become Secretary of State; Ambassador to the Court of St. James (England), or any other high profile position where President Trump needs him.
President Trump has announced he is running again, and if the RINO elite establishment manages to beat Trump after a bloody nomination battle, I am on record now predicting anybody they nominate will lose in 2024. I would hate to see Governor DeSantis destroy a stellar political career in that manner.