On Thursday a radical SC Supreme Court decision overturned state law passed by the state legislature and signed by the governor in February 2021. Their decision struck down the Fetal Heartbeat and Protection from Abortion Act.

This ruling was opposed by a vocal and tenacious new group of elected Republicans to the SC legislature this past election cycle. Already the SC Freedom Caucus has, and is continuing to have an impact on other areas of the state.

When the group first formed they ruffled feathers in the statehouse by demanding public transparency of member voting by publishing the tally board in the House chambers. They then proceeded to expose that Critical Race Theory is in fact being implemented in SC schools when a whistleblower came to them. Their next victory was forcing the Medical University of South Carolina pediatric transgender clinic to stop performing “pediatric/adolescent transgender hormonal care” and transgender surgeries at the University.

With the State Supreme Court ruling on Thursday the Freedom Caucus is now demanding Republicans be true to the Republican Party platform. The Caucus is calling for immediate actions in the House and Senate when the entire legislature convenes on Tuesday next week:

1. The General Assembly must overhaul our judiciary and remove it from the death grip of lawyer-legislators who put their thumb on the scales of justice.
2. We must place passing a strong Pro-Life law at the front of the GOP’s legislative agenda – one that does not simply regulate abortion but prohibits any intentional taking of innocent human life.
3. Pro-Life elected officials must smash the good ol’ boy system that values personality and reelection over Pro-Life policy, by holding their colleagues accountable for breaking their promises to voters.


Michael Reed is Publisher of The Standard newspaper, print and online. TheStandardSC video media channel is being censored by dominant social media groups like YouTube. YouTube, owed by Alphabet (Google), removed and destroyed all of our video work without permission or remuneration. That has stopped all potential donations from our many supporters on that venue. If you want to continue to see independent thought and reports please “like”, comment, share with a friend, and donate to support The Standard on this page to assure the continued availability of news that is ignored too often by the dominant media.