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In my opinion, we are in a war with the Chinese Communist Party. This war is like no other war that we have ever fought. This is a war of cyber-warfare, a war of bio-warfare and a war of insurgency-warfare.
An “insurgency” is defined in the US Joint Chiefs of Staff’s Counterinsurgency Manual as: “Insurgency is the organized use of subversion and violence to seize, nullify, or challenge political control of a region” the text reads on page 11. An insurgency has taken control of our government.
The 242 page Counterinsurgency Manual was written to identify the pitfalls of correcting an insurgency. The manual defines a Counterinsurgency (COIN) as: “COIN is the combination of measures undertaken…to defeat an insurgency. 3 An insurgency is a form of intrastate conflict, (the term “intrastate conflict” means conflict between two countries or governments) and counterinsurgency (COIN) is used to counter it..”
“Insurgency is the organized use of subversion and violence to seize, nullify, or challenge political control of a region.” — Counterinsurgency Manual
Pursuant to the manual, the most important thing, to permanently counter any insurgency, is “Building Governance.” This must be done by the people. The military can not successfully repair or rebuild the government for the general population. We must be conscious that the current government and laws have failed the people and the government must be corrected or replaced.
According to the Counterinsurgency Manual, the government corrections, or replacement, must be seen by the general population as predictable and acceptable. Successful government is said to be in three core functions by the manual: Representation, Security, and Welfare.
REPRESENTATION: The manual says that the people must feel that their voices are heard and that their votes count. The new or corrected government must offer a permanent fix to prevent fraudulent elections and fraudulent votes. Every state that agrees to become a member of the new, or the corrected, government must adhere to these principles or leave the group.
The general population must know that their political representatives, their judges, and their government employees can be held accountable when they fail to act in the public’s best interest. Every state’s new or corrected government can offer a simple majority vote to remove any politician, any judge, any government employee, any statute, or any law, when they are found to be undeserving of the general public’s needs, wants, or trust.
The Chinese Communist Party Invented Cruel, Disturbing Torture. Photo courtesy Epoch Times
SECURITY: The people must know that the new government is able to protect them from criminals, including the criminals that are involved in the insurrection. The new government must be based on “Law and Order.” The general population must be able to hold accountable the criminals that break the current laws or those criminals that create laws violating current existing laws or constitutions. The new government must also end the “Digital Funny Money,” that is created out of thin air by our enemies. This “Digital Funny Money” funds and empowers the enemy insurgency.
James Madison said, “It will be of little avail to the people if the laws be so voluminous that they cannot be read, or so incoherent that they cannot be understood.” This problem, of too many laws, is massive. Study the photos below. There may not be any other solution but to start over with just the state and federal constitutions.
It takes a whole aisle of bookshelves to hold the current Federal Laws at a local library.
The South Carolina state laws are almost as voluminous.
IBM Supercomputers
WELFARE: According to the manual, the people must know that their welfare is of the highest priority to the government. The welfare means that the new government will ensure the continuation of their food supply, transportation systems, communications systems, water lines, power lines, and public institutions including schools, post offices, and prisons. Public welfare means that the general public will continue to receive their government checks, or other forms of government’s monetary support, which they will need to survive. Their welfare also depends on stopping the influx of the “digital funny money” money, that dilutes their buying power and at the same time funds the criminal insurgency. Stopping this digital funny money attack on the people is simple. Track every legal digital penny that is created by the new government, or that enters the geographical location of the new government. We currently have 113 supercomputers that could track every penny.
According to the manual, the challenge for COIN is to identify where the current government has failed. Then COIN can narrow down their counter-narrative by being specific on the misinformation that is being used by the insurgents to mislead the people.
If numerous states are represented by the new or corrected government, then every state must act in unison to protect the representation, the security, and the welfare of the people. One rogue state, who ignores these corrections, has the ability to destroy any new government. The new government is like a chain, which is only as strong as its weakest link.
Dr. Bill Bledsoe was labeled as “The Most Conservative Man in South Carolina” by his Democratic Opponent Jamie Harrison in the hotly contested 2020 South Carolina US Senate Race. The former SC Constitution Party candidate changed his party affiliation to Republican at the federal level and is now a fusion candidate in SC, combining the support of both the SC Republican Party and the SC Constitution Party.
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