“Do not indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion. Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports.” George Washington

“This Constitution was written for a moral and religious people, it is wholly unsuited to the governance of any other.” John Adams

Statue of George Washington (Portland, Oregon) prior to destruction

The destruction and defacing of many of America’s iconic monuments, memorials and statues have continued to incomprehensible levels. Statues and monuments to George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Lincoln and even the first black Regiment of the Civil War, the 54th Massachusetts have been defaced, destroyed, or ordered down. The National World War II Memorial was defaced, the Vietnam Memorial was defaced. The San Francisco statue honoring Hispanic Missionary and Roman Catholic Saint Junipero Serra is coming down. The calls for police abolition and/or defunding have moved from the political fringe into the Progressive and Democratic mainstream. With police now quitting in droves and refusing to risk taking calls. Many Americans are wondering about the answer. The very short reply is God. Let me explain

First off, what is it with the anarchy. It’s important to understand the motivations of many of those driving the agenda to remove all reminders of our national past. Former Antifa member Gabriel Nadales wrote in The Hill about the goals of Antifa , one of the main groups driving rioting and destruction of American icons, attacking police, and calling to abolish police: “Antifa doesn’t stand for anything, only against whatever it decides to define as fascist. It does not have meetings, official members, or even leaders. It is made up of dozens, if not hundreds, of left-wing organizations, both at the local and national levels…… The groups come together behind a unifying black mask whenever there is a call to action, spread through word-of-mouth or social media. At that point, the groups abandon their ethos and become part of the mob-like collective that is Antifa . Antifa then has two goals: Destroy political opposition, and silence dissenters.” She specifically mentions socialism as a primarily political ideology. Far Left Blogsite “In these Times”, describes the inherent Communist element of the movement: “Antifa groups are generally organized independently, consisting of various socialist, communist, anarchist and other anti-racist activists.”

Groups like Antifa have kicked into action to transform the public anger against the George Floyd killing into an anarchist movement.  Their end goal appears to be of transforming America from a Constitutional Republic to socialism. The attacks against the icons of America, like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson and the World War II Memorial, are similar to what history teaches of the dark days of the Reign of Terror in the French Revolution and the early Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. Tearing down the connection with a nation’s past to start again with a new communist system at “year 0”. The neutering of the police is the absolute necessary condition to bring the necessary anarchy, and then the new system.

Portland rioters pulled down statue of George Washington. The symbolism is great about the unbridled destruction currently taking place across the country. We ask why is it allowed to continue?

Karl Marx, the intellectual father of socialism, made clear in “The Communist Manifesto” that the primary enemy to the Communist Revolution was the Church. He called the Christian religion “the opiate of the people”, and communism became predicated upon an atheist worldview. He also attacked the nuclear family and other such institutions of society that he believed hindered the proletariat from rising up in revolution.

God/Religion, which upholds the family and societal stability, is the answer to what’s happening. It is the unifying force that will keep us together as a nation and protect our Liberty. The philosophical underpinnings of our laws and government are rooted in a general acknowledgement of God and the Bible. As Justice William O. Douglas put it: “Our institutions presuppose a Supreme Being.” Political philosopher Samuel Huntington also wrote: “To deny God is to challenge the fundamental principle underlying American society.”

What these anarchistic communist groups desire is something not anchored in truth or a tested moral code like the Bible. It is anchored in an atheistic framework that cannot tolerate God. Then it brings anarchy, then class and racial hatred and division, then destroy Liberty. Many have seen the video of the street preacher beaten into submission in the anarchist enclave of “CHAZ” in Seattle. Christianity is hated within that system.

Our system has not been perfect in execution, but the philosophical underpinnings been the envy of the world. Our nation holds the collective belief that “all men are created equal” and we are “endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights”. This requires a national acknowledgment of God, and legal equality of rights of individuals under God, including life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Let’s repudiate the anarchists and come together again in unity under our national declaration of our belief in God.

God Bless America!


Bill Connor is an Orangeburg, S.C. attorney, Army Infantry Colonel and author of the book “Articles from War.” 



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