Cultural hegemony involves radically changing what is normal and acceptable in a society. By normalizing perversion through media, books, movies, schools and government protection laws, etc., the indoctrination, and eventually the ‘new norms’ of perversion, are rooted into our society and culture. This makes the country and the people ripe for destruction. Nothing is new under the sun.
Beyond all “internal” Challenges currently facing America, including an implosion of the economy and an explosion of crime, the upending of family and gender norms portents the greatest threat to the future. Through the Progressive onslaught of radical ideology in schools, media, and other influencers, we have seen an assault on our cultural norms. In just the past five years, the percentage of our young identifying as transgender has doubled. Though 13 to 17-year-olds make up only 8% of our population, they now make up 18% of transgenders and while 18 to 24 year olds are 11% of our population, they now make up 24% of transgenders.
Along with the dramatic increase in youth transgenderism, in 2018, 20% of the incoming students at Harvard and Yale identified as non-heterosexual, and recent polls show that number to have increased to as high as 30%.
A founder of the Italian Communist Party whose ideas greatly influenced Italian communism, Antonio Gramsci also founded the Frankfurt School, and while sitting in prison formulated an idea to destroy Christianity and western civilization by perverting society which he described as the “new world order”. The current communist based Critical Race Theory (CRT) being pushed in public schools and “gender identity” issues stem directly from the mind of Gramsci. He described the coming destruction of the west as a “long march through the institutions.” Gramsci’s propositions became a fundamental part of Western Marxist thought and have influenced post-World War II strategies of communist parties in the West up to and including what we see occurring in the US today.
This dynamic is followed by the consequential effects on the family and society. Early 20th century Italian Communist, Antonio Gramsci, envisioned this kind of a counter-hegemony to destroy institutions like the family and Church. We must admit that the “new” hegemony is a catastrophe that must be reversed. Let me explain.
First, the increasing brazenness of the progressive push to undermine the family is relentless. Governor Gavin Newsom recently signed into law what amounts to youth transgender radicalism. According to Newsom, California SB107 makes California a sanctuary “go to” state for transgender “treatment” (aka genital mutilation) of youth. This law goes beyond allowing all in the US to bring their children for life-altering “surgery”, it even “grants courts ‘temporary emergency jurisdiction’ over out-of-state minor if they are seeking transgender drugs, surgery, or mental healthcare.” The California Family Council claims the law will “usurp the rights of parents across the nation and allows minors to make medical decisions on their own that can result in irreversible genital mutilation.”
This comes as many Western Countries and progressive states are trying to censor or even criminalize criticism of this “gender affirming care” or even parental attempts to dissuade their children from it.
Antonio Gramsci wrote in his “prison notebooks” how to bring Communism to Western nations outside Russia. He differed from the traditional Marxist primary focus on economics, and believed that the alleged “hegemony” (dominant ideological power) of a society must be overturned first to bring a Communist Revolution. Gramsci wrote of undermining a society’s alleged “superstructure”, which included family and religion.
“The old world is dying away, and the new world struggles to come forth. Now is the time of monsters.” — Antonio Gramsci, member of the Marxist based Frankfurt School
Like Marx and Lenin, Gramsci was rabidly opposed to Christianity and the traditional family. He wrote:
“Socialism is precisely the religion that must overwhelm Christianity… in the new world order, Socialism will triumph by first capturing the culture via infiltration of schools, universities, churches and the media by transforming the consciousness of a society.”
A primary target Gramsci encouraged Communists to attack was a society’s “heteronormativity”. As it has been described: “Heteronormativity is defined as the belief that heterosexuality is the normal or default sexual orientation and the basis of family.”
Gramsci put particular emphasis on the nation’s schools to help bring about undermining of traditional family, gender and religion.
Gramsci died in prison in the 1930s, but his ideas permeated throughout socialist circles. German Marxists of the “Frankfurt School” started in the 1920s as traditional “economic” Communist academics, but eventually came to Gramsci’s counter-hegemony and what became known as cultural Marxism (political correctness). In particular, the new dynamic was to focus the attack on heteronormativity as a way to undermine the institution of family.
Herbert Marcuse was instrumental in introducing the “sexual revolution” of the 1960’s which has since exploded into rampant society wide perversion.
Herbert Marcuse, most well known of the Frankfurt School after they came to America before World War II, wrote his seminal “Eros and Civilization” in 1955. This book was both an indictment of capitalism, and also an explosive critique of sexual norms holding Western families together.
Marcuse helped bring about the sexual revolution of the 1960s, and many of the radical extremes of modern progressivism, like Critical Theory. He was given the title “The Father of the New Left”.
Marx once claimed his primary mission in life was to “dethrone God and destroy capitalism”. “Dethroning God” with counter hegemony is the thread that most connects Marx with Gramsci, then radicals like Marcuse.
Their way to overturn a Christian-based, family-oriented society has been through anti-Christian counter-hegemony. After these past years, we have all had the unfortunate experience of seeing the counter-hegemony in power. Defunding police, breakup of family, attacking the church and undermining gender. Most now realize these ideas sounded good to some in theory, but proved bankrupt and destructive in reality. It’s time to end this catastrophic experiment, and get back to what we know works.
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Gramsci is definitely the father of cultural Marxism but not the founder of the Frankfurt School. He did spawn the overall philosophy of the Frankfurt School, however. The issue is never the issue, the issue is always the revolution.