“On what foundation is the present family, the bourgeois family, based? On capital, on private gain. In its completely developed form, this family exists only among the bourgeoisie. … The bourgeois family will vanish as a matter of course when its complement (private property) vanishes, and both will vanish with the vanishing of capital.” Karl Marx
Decline of the nuclear family has been pushed by many in the university setting.
Over the past few months, Americans have become witness to the growing assertive boldness of Progressive ideas once held at the fringe. Violent attempts to dismantle traditional iconic memorials of American history, including founding fathers and even abolitionists. We have seen the rising attacks against Christianity, culminating in the recent episode of Bible burning in Portland, Oregon. We have witnessed the demands to abolish or otherwise “defund” law enforcement in various urban areas throughout the country.
Of all the radical movements, the most dangerous and consequential may be the rising mainstreaming of the calls for abolition of the family. This is a culmination of the goals of cultural Marxism and could end in a dark future. Let me explain.
First, the advocating for the dismantling of the traditional and Biblical nuclear family precede even the writings of Karl Marx. During the darkest periods of the French Revolution, calls were made for the end of the institution of the family during the Reign of Terror. Marx viewed the family as an enemy and obstacle to the Communist Revolution, being the most basic economic unit and purveyor of “Bourgeoise” tradition. With the rise of the cultural Marxists in the 1920s and 30s, the attacks on the nuclear family and traditional morality superseded economic issues. Italian Antonia Gramci advocated overturning what he called the cultural hegemony of society, which he alleged would allow for the unimpeded advance of Communism in the West. The primary enemy of Gramci was the nuclear family and the traditional and Biblical morality undergirding the family. Cultural Marxists of the Frankfurt school moved the ideological platform from Europe to America in the 1930s. The overturning of cultural hegemony, particularly by the attacks on family and morality, remained a primary theme of cultural Marxism, though the movement remained on the fringe in the West.
The family unit is under attack by antiChrist forces throughout the nation.
One of the earliest female Marxist intellectuals, Russian Alexandra Kollontai writing in the 1920s, provided the Soviet feminist view of what she envisioned for the future of mothers, children, and family. Her view was predominant in the Soviet Union, but would have been unthinkable to most in the West. Her writings provide understanding of the modern vision of how society would look without family: “The woman who takes up the struggle……must learn to understand that there is no more room for the old proprietary attitude which says: ‘these are my children, I owe them all my maternal solicitude and affection; those are your children…….. The worker mother must learn not to differentiate between yours and mine; she must remember that there are only our children, the children of Russia’s communist workers.”
“Frankfurt School” Marxist practitioner, Bethany Letiecq, professor in the “Human Development and Family Science” program at George Mason University, Harrisonburg, Virginia.
Bethany Letiecq, professor in the Human Development and Family Science program at George Mason University has been a leader in the vanguard of mainstreaming the destruction of the family in the West. Using the pervasive emotive rhetoric of “white privilege” and “Justice” her voice has found many followers. According to Letiecq: “Family privilege recognizes that some families are beneficiaries of unearned or unacknowledged advantages”.
She further decries that “our society values and privileges heterosexual marriages over other relationships…. Marriage as an institution I patriarchal and hegemonic at its base”. Note that Letiecq uses Gramci’s concept of cultural hegemony, and the alleged need to overturn that hegemony through dissolution of the family. Leteicg claims “There is no doubt that the most effective way to mitigate privilege would be to eliminate the family”. A number of media sources have recently published articles calling for the abolition of the family, including Democracy, Outling, and The Nation, among others.
Another leading voice of abolition of the family, British feminist Sophie Lewis, openly admits to being a Marxist and openly advocates the abolition of both family and capitalism. She has argued family brings “coercion, molestation, abuse, humiliation, depression, battery,….. psychosis, gender straightjacketing, racial programming, and embourgeoisement”. BLM organization (distinguished from the benign words black lives matter, which they do), which was founded by admitted “trained Marxists”, and lists as an organizational goal to “disrupt the… nuclear family” and claims to encourage “comrades” in this struggle.
A decade ago, we could shrug this rhetoric off as being politically impossible to implement in America. Those who have witnessed events over the past few months know better. It must be exposed now, so the average American can understand the depth and pervasiveness of this vision. The Bible tells us “Satan disguises himself as an angel of light” (2 Cor 11:14). Marxist writer Saul Alinsky acknowledged Lucifer as “the first radical” in his dedication page of his 1971 treatise “Rules for Radicals”. The vision and goal of abolishing the family have not changed over the past two centuries, but it has moved from fringe to a seemingly credible alternative. It parades as an Angel of Light by using the language of “privilege” and “justice” to describe the destruction of the most important of society’s institutions. For the sake of our children and grandchildren, it’s time to expose the Truth and save our families.
Bill Connor is an Orangeburg, S.C. attorney, Army Infantry Colonel and author of the book “Articles from War.”
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