After the mid-term elections and what is being dubbed the “red trickle”, many conservatives are experiencing the frustration expected. Inflation is at the highest levels in a half century, and we are in a recession with no seeming end. The southern border has been overrun, including not only the roughly five million illegal migrants, but corresponding Fentanyl and organized crime. Military recruitment is at the lowest point since the start of the all-volunteer military a half century ago, with the perception of the military as being woke to many. Crime has exploded. Progressive radical gender ideology has brought a 100% increase in the number of our young identifying as transgender, with minors undergoing “gender affirming” permanent physical alteration surgery. The botched withdrawal from Afghanistan was only a year ago. This seemingly gave Republicans their best shot ever for a red wave. The reality is that politics is downstream from culture, and the progressive left has virtually captured culture for their ideology. It’s time to follow the example of William Wilberforce in recapturing the culture to change politics. Let me explain.

William Wilberforce was born in England in 1759, and elected to Parliament in his early twenties. Partly through the influence of famed preacher and theologian “Amazing Grace” John Newton, Wilberforce became a born-again Christian in his mid-twenties. As he wrote in his diary on October 28, 1787 about God’s call: “God Almighty has set before me two great objects, the suppression of the Slave Trade and the Reformation of Manners”  (Note Wilberforce’s “Manners” meant the morals in Great Britain). Wilberforce’s work for two decades in Parliament ended the slave trade in 1807. He continued his work until slavery throughout the British Empire ended in 1833, the year Wilberforce died. Because the British Navy controlled the major sea lanes, he effectively ended the slave trade throughout the Western World. This was an incredible accomplishment, but most today do not know of the equally great part of Wilberforce’s influence. That of reforming his nation’s culture, of which ending slavery was included.

It’s important to understand the depravity British Society during the Georgian period of the 1700s. Noted historian W. Robert Godfrey has lectured and written about the level of immorality among all classes of British society during the 1700s, and summed it up thusly: “Can you imagine a society so degenerated?  Widespread sexual immorality, cruel sports, gambling, drunkenness; it’s hard to imagine a society in such a state, but that’s where England was early in the eighteenth‑century.” Evangelists Whitfield and Jonathan Edwards helped bring the “Great Awakening” to the American Colonies through the middle of the 1700s. and this created a huge chasm in values between Great Britain and America. This helps explain a major “culture” factor leading to the American Revolutionary War.

To accomplish his goal of reform, William Wilberforce put together the “society for the reformation of manners”, and received a royal charter from King George III. In 1797, Wilberforce published what became and international bestseller and influenced all British society “A Practical View: Of the Prevailing Religious System of Professed Christians in the Higher and Middle Classes of Society, Contrasted with Real Christianity”. The substance and intent of the book was directly in line with his goals of reformation: “Wilberforce’s book confronts his fellow countrymen as ‘nominal’ Christians, complacent in being Christian in name only. By accepting the Christian creed, but failing to live the Christian life, the spiritual foundation of English society was rotting away at its core. Wilberforce’s influential book challenged readers to center their life, both public and private, on Christ’s redeeming work and teachings.” As with his efforts to end the slave trade, Wilberforce was passionately driven throughout his life to help bring cultural reform to the United Kingdom.

Wilberforce is credited by many with having made the impact he sought with reforming Great Britain. Within under two decades of his death, Great Britain entered what historians dub “the Victorian era”, which most date from the Great Exhibition of 1851 to Queen Victoria’s death in 1901. The morality of the British had reformed: “The term Victorian morality is often used to describe the values of the period, which included sexual proprietary hard work honesty, thrift, sense of duty and responsibility towards the less well off….. It changed England totally by altering the very thread of social interaction, mores and traditions.” In Wilberforce’s influencing of British culture, the political impact on the United Kingdom cannot be overstated. Victorian era values ended much of the elitism and corruption in the leadership and the middle class. It brought the franchise from the few to the many. Importantly, it brought political stability to the UK under the Constitutional monarchy while so many other European nations fell into Revolution.

Following Wilberforce’s example requires patience and determination. Wilberforce influenced the reformation of morals primarily through appeal to Christian values/ethics and it took time to change one person and family at a time. Importantly, Wilberforce’s reforms changed the politics of his nation, but only indirectly through the change of culture. American conservatives have a steep challenge in this progressive cultural environment, yet similar to that faced by Wilberforce. The ubiquitous undermining of family, marriage, gender and religion is pervasive, so it’s time to start. Let the example and determination of Wilberforce guide us.


Bill Connor, is an Orangeburg, S.C. attorney, Army Infantry Colonel and author of the book “Articles from War.” The Standard newspaper is available in print and online. You may find videos available on at TheStandardSC on Rumble. The bulk of TheStandardSC video media channel has been censored by dominant social media groups like YouTube. YouTube, owed by Alphabet (Google), removed and destroyed almost all of our video work without permission or remuneration. That has stopped all potential donations from our many supporters on that venue. If you want to continue to see independent thought and reports please “like”, comment, share with a friend, and donate to support The Standard on this page to assure the continued availability of news that is ignored too often by the dominant media.