Before I share some personal thoughts, I have a question for you… Isn’t it wonderful to be an American and live in this great land where everyone has the right, the freedom and the expectations to express our thoughts and beliefs?
As I know all of you are aware, life has a way of kicking us when we’re down. And just when we think we have hit rock bottom, when we start believing and we start saying to ourselves… “Self, I can’t take it no more!” or, “I have experienced way too many bumpy roads!” or, “I have seen and/or loss too many friends and/or relatives to illness, accidents or whatever. I just can’t fall any lower!”
Guess what… yes we can and someday we’ll go around the next corner on our road of life and there will be the biggest chug hole we’ve ever seen! And then another! And another!
Folks, we truly never know what else may be lingering around that corner. And my friends, all of us will be making a lot of turns around a lot of corners.
My friends, as much as we may hate the setbacks, the illnesses, the loss of loved ones and personal friends, and yes, friends we share, however painful these setbacks may be –– these events are a part of life.
Whether we manage to find joy and success in these days of uncertainty, whether we successfully pass thru these daily struggles of life is largely dependent on our ability to get up and face what lies before us, through even the toughest adversity without ever giving up.
As I was trying to put together some words of wisdom and encouragement, I remembered I had a book that has a lot of such words… my Bible.
The very first passage I thought about was one I think a lot of people have seen and heard; but often do not think of in hard times… times such as we face today:
We are told in Psalm 46:1-3,
“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging.”
You know, I have often wondered and asked why is the term politics not listed in that verse?
Folks, I am certain, I have no doubts, that each and every one of us have found ourselves going through a rough time finding something to give us that little humph, a little lift, something that can help us remember that life isn’t always bad.
Remember these seemingly endless stretches of fear and disappointment, pain, and heartache are just brief, moments of time that will soon pass, although the memories may last a lifetime.
Many years ago my mother shared a scripture from Isaiah 41:10 with me that I have never forgotten…
“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
One of the brightest paths that lay before us during these times of hardship, pain and sorrow is remembering those words.
Yes, I can get distraught or whatever other mood may linger out there. Seriously!!!
I don’t how many times I have been told “Bill, you always seem so happy!” or been asked, “Bill, don’t you ever get upset or mad about anything?” Then there’s… “Bill, you always have that smile on your face.”
Well, have I got you fooled! And my next question is, “Where is my Academy Award?”
Praying Hands sculpture by Albrecht Durer
I encourage all of you to always pray for help whether it be for a friend, a loved one, perhaps even yourself!
I ask each and every one of you to pray for help for our US of A and our leaders.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with recognizing that you are just like the rest of us. All of us have problems. All of us have weaknesses!
All of us face issues that are similar. Or, believe it or not, exactly the same!
I encourage all of you, and I remind myself, to listen, for (as well as to personally share) words of inspiration and hope.
By believing, by sharing, by listening to each other and the man upstairs we may… WE CAN… we will help those around us and our hearts and minds will be open to and at the same time be sharing love, and peace.
Bill Pickle is a regular columnist for The Standard and host of In the Pickle Barrel weekdays.
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Bill, let me share this Quote with you and all your many Friends. It was on the small base below the Figurine of a walking Turtle, and was on the Desk of my XO in the Navy… “Behold the Turtle; he makes Progress when he Sticks his Neck out”.