Christmas Past

  “For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.” — Luke 2:11 Charlie Brown There was a time when Christmas was not nearly so commercialized and   Christmas in the 1950’s and ’60’s with family...
Thoughts on 9/11

Thoughts on 9/11

    As we approach the 23nd anniversary of the attacks on September 11, 2001, my thoughts return to that fateful day and what came before and after it. With the distance of time to better appreciate what surrounded those attacks, I have come to a better...

Liberty Comes With a Price

    Have you ever wondered what happened to the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence? Five signers were captured by the British as traitors, and tortured before they died. Twelve had their homes ransacked and burned. Two lost their sons serving...
The Red, White and Blue

The Red, White and Blue

Independence Day flags adorn the front yard of a patriotic family in Virginia from 2007. Photo courtesy Caleb Reed.   Today is Flag Day, commemorating June 14, 1777, when the Continental Congress passed a resolution “that the flag of the thirteen United...
“The Boys of Pointe du Hoc”

“The Boys of Pointe du Hoc”

President Ronald and Nancy Reagan at the D-Day Memorial Cemetery at Pointe du Hoc, Normandy, France, June 6, 1984. President Reagan died 20 years after his well known D-Day speech on June 5th, 2004. That was 20 years ago. Photo courtesy Ronald Reagan Presidential...
Confessions of a Poll Clerk on Election Day

Confessions of a Poll Clerk on Election Day

  Most poll clerks, managers, watchers and others involved in the election process get involved because they are concerned about the integrity of elections. I first got involved in the election process over ten years ago for that very reason. It is my opinion...
The Man In the Arena

The Man In the Arena

Photo President Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt courtesy Theodore Roosevelt Presidential Library.   Former President Theodore Roosevelt once gave a speech of which the following quote and this headline originated. In it, he made an observation that most today can see...

Declaration of Arbroath

      King Robert I: ‘But from these countless evils we have been set free… by our most tireless Prince, King and Lord, the Lord Robert’.   Declaration of Arbroath: Scottish Declaration of Independence To the most Holy Father and...
Please Help My Dad

Please Help My Dad

    My Dad, the publisher of The Standard, has recently been diagnosed with stage 4 prostate cancer which has metastasized throughout his body and he is fighting for his life. To compound the cancer he also recently had double kidney failure and had to...
Principles Worth Fighting For

Principles Worth Fighting For

Original caption: Pearl Harbor, HI. Thick smoke rolls out of a burning ship during the attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese. December 7, 1941. Photo courtesy National Archive.   “I am one of those who believe there are some principles worth fighting for...
Lexington Council Candidates Q&A

Lexington Council Candidates Q&A

Lexington Town Council candidate Will Allen speaks to a crowd of supporters at Momma Rabbits Restaurant in Lexington. Photo Michael Reed.   A General Election for the Town of Lexington is rounding the corner on Tuesday, November 7, 2023. Incumbents Todd Lyle,...
Left Demonizes, Compares MAGA to NAZIs

Left Demonizes, Compares MAGA to NAZIs

Retired General and Clinton administration appointee Barry McCaffery compared conservative Americans supporting President Donald Trump to pre-war 1930’s NAZIs. Photo courtesy US Department of Defense.   During a September 27 interview with Chris Hayes on...
Peace Monument Fate in Hands of US Senate

Peace Monument Fate in Hands of US Senate

The Arlington Peace Memorial details the separation and hardship of families during the war and the reconciliation that took place in peace between the nation. Photo courtesy William Rogers/   Wednesday night the full House of Representatives approved...
1984 is Here!

1984 is Here!

In the book and movie both entitled “1984” by George Orwell, an all seeing government always knew what the citizens were doing.     Well the Myrtle Beach city council has decided to join the list of leftist cities to become a Smart City. We will...
Former Top FBI Agent Reveals Complicity

Former Top FBI Agent Reveals Complicity

Former FBI Special Agent Ted Gunderson said he was been accused of being a conspiracy theorist, but he countered that he was “I’m a conspiracy realist.” Photo screenshot from the Granada Forum.   What do Pearl Harbor, the John F. Kennedy...
Very First Act Congress

Very First Act Congress

      First Act Of Congress, A Call For Prayer The very first act of the Continental Congress, September 6, 1774, was a call for prayer. They had just received news that the British troops had attacked Boston. Reverend Duche was asked to open the very...
VJ Day—-Victory over Japan 1945

VJ Day—-Victory over Japan 1945

General Douglas MacArthur speaks to a small assembly aboard the battleship USS Missouri September 2, 1945. Those assembled included members of the Allied Armies and the surrendering hierarchy of the Imperial Japanese Army. Personal photo courtesy of Attorney Billy...
The Low-Down on Lexington 2 School Libraries

The Low-Down on Lexington 2 School Libraries

Stamped is one of the books accepted in Lexington School dDistrict 2 by the School Board there. The highly controversial book promotes Critical Race Theory and Black Lives Matter along with its founders as heroes. Lexington District One was sued over CRT curriculum....
Mainstreaming by Marxists Must Fail

Mainstreaming by Marxists Must Fail

Statue of Karl Marx outside a store front in Penza, Russia. Photo courtesy of Unsplash/Pavel Neznanov.   Though many on the political left still feign denial when labelled “Marxist”, a recent episode illuminates why the label has been earned. Emily Drabinski was...
Behar Jumps in Race

Behar Jumps in Race

Looking north on Myrtle Beach. Photo courtesy Youtube.   One of The Standard’s own writers has decided to jump in the Myrtle Beach City Council race. Stuart Behar said he has had enough and that he can’t sit on the sidelines anymore. That is one of...
Keep Your Word!

Keep Your Word!

David the shepherd approached Goliath and declared what he was going to do to him. And he did exactly as he said. Action should follow our words, but do they? Image “David Slays Goliath” by Gustave Dore.   Too often, and in too many encounters, it...
The Male Hating Must Stop!

The Male Hating Must Stop!

Young men are struggling more today than ever partly due to feminism and discrimination. Photo courtesy Freepik.   For the sake of our young all the hate directed at males must stop! A recent poll conducted by the University of Michigan “Monitoring the Future”...