2A and the 2nd Greatest Command?

  Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people, but thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself: I am the Lord. — Leviticus 19:18   This is how I see the Second Amendment, so that you can get an idea of why I am passionate...

Parents Removed From School Board Meeting

  Some parents attending the Tuesday January 25th, Richland 2 School Board Meeting were tossed out of the public event and charged with ‘Trespass’ while at the meeting. A series of events left some parents wondering whether their rights to attend and...

How to Create Enemies of the Constitution

“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” — John Adams, Architect of American government   You don’t have to believe in God to participate in the American...

Americans Just Took a Huge Pay Cut!

Did you take a pay cut and not even know it? Photo courtesy Business2Community.com.   Thanks to the policies and bungles of the Joe Biden Administration, Americans just took a huge pay cut! Yes, a pay cut! Everywhere you go the prices are climbing steadily,...

Court Case Filed to Save Calhoun Monument

The John C. Calhoun statue may have new life breathed into it staying in Charleston, but it’s a breath and a prayer.   A Charleston-based organization is asking for the support of the general public in raising funds to save the John C. Calhoun monument of...

Historical Ignorance Creates Division

Confederate soldier Robert E. Lee on his horse Traveler.   We call the war of 1861 the Civil War. But is that right? A civil war is a struggle between two or more entities trying to take over the central government. Confederate President Jefferson Davis no more...

Democrat Pascoe Addresses Greenville GOP

First Circuit Solicitor David Pascoe addressed the Greenville County GOP about corruption in the statehouse. Most of his attention was directed at Republicans who have crossed the line. Photo Michael Reed.   It has been said that truth is stranger than fiction....

Founding Fathers got it right!

Man’s fallen nature is a universal truth.   Federalist Papers: No. 51 describes the Founder’s desire and understanding of governments and how if certain provisions aren’t made known, protective measures not codified that inevitably the usurpation of individual’s...

“Wokeness” Smothering Truth That Kills Many

A 19th century illustration titled The Hottentot Venus in the Salon of the Duchess of Berry, by Sebastien Coeure. The Venus was an enslaved woman named Sara Baartman who was displayed in exhibitions in England and France. Sabrina Strings explains in her book The Black...

Live Until You’re Out of Smoke!

Life is for living! “Don’t live with regrets” says book author Bonnie Ware. Photo courtesy exumguides.   A short book written by Australian Bonnie Ware in 2012, has been translated into 27 languages, and reminds us of our own mortality and what...

Inaccurate Information Gets Past Editors

As much as newspapers, magazines and various publications seek to bring accuracy and the truth to the public, at times that jewel escapes the fact checkers. An error was reported in an article written by Freddy Hill published January 5, 2022, in The Standard...

Progressive Group-Think Fracturing America

Leftists in America insist there is “white privilege” among all white people when that is clearly not the case. The accusations are merely another tactic in the battle for control of society using critical race theory communist tactics.   With the...