Why Medical Freedom?

Why Medical Freedom?

      Why should you care about Medical Freedom in the United States? I tend to have a strong stance on vaccines and their efficacy and you might not agree in part or at all with me. Is it all just about these crazy anti vax hippies or is there more to...
Ring the Bell!

Ring the Bell!

Pictured is the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia. Photo courtesy Independence Hall visitors center.   This year 2023, we commemorate 247 years since our Founding Fathers signed their own potential death warrant we call the Declaration of Independence. There is...
What Price Liberty? A Family Answers the Call

What Price Liberty? A Family Answers the Call

Photo courtesy Pexels/Tim Mossholder.   When their ship from the Netherlands docked in the harbor of New Amsterdam (now New York City) in 1688, Garrett Hendricks DeWeese, and his wife Zytian, could not have known of the historic events that would direct the...

Why Grandpa Carried a Gun

    The quintessential reason why Grandpa carried a gun was that he wanted to live a little longer. My Grandpa lived in a small town in upstate SC. He was a simple man who had moved from the mountains of Virginia to South Carolina when he was a young man...
What Price Independence?

What Price Independence?

      The Declaration of Independence is 247 years old this year, and it seems to reflect more graphically today what our forefathers experienced than ever before. It is a given that the men who signed the Declaration were literally putting their lives...
Trump Pickens Rally Tops Expectations

Trump Pickens Rally Tops Expectations

View from up high behind Trump platform in Pickens. Photo courtesy of unspecified Facebook post. Please advise if this photo belongs to you.   It was announced that 75,000 people came out of their air conditioned comfort zone to sit outside in sweltering heat of...
A Name Too Sacred

A Name Too Sacred

      “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, and your ways are not my ways,’ declares Yahweh.” — Isaiah 55:8   The New International Version of the Bible, and other versions, translate the Hebrew tetragrammaton YHWH as LORD. This revealed...

Gun History and Facts

    Don’t be so naive to think that tyranny could not happen in the USA. Bad guys live in every century and in every culture, and they are waiting for the moment they can take advantage of people who cannot stop or defend themselves against them. In 1929,...
Lexington at Crossroads

Lexington at Crossroads

  Lexington at Crossroads Our Lexington community stands at the most critical point since being formed as the township of Saxe Gotha in 1735. The township was established to encourage settlement and as a strategic buffer between the upper crust of Charleston’s...
Lexington at Crossroads

Lexington at Crossroads

The new billboard erected by Lexington residents to bring attention to the $30 million dollar project of town council. Photo Michael Reed   Our Lexington community stands at the precipice of change, a critical moment of decision not faced since being formed as...
Disney “Anti-Christ” Series Being Pulled

Disney “Anti-Christ” Series Being Pulled

The black and white—and innocent—days of Disney are long gone. Walt Disney died in 1966, 57 years ago this December. The above is an opening scene of a typical Walt Disney presents program. Photo courtesy Internet Archive video still.   I grew up...
The Face Behind YouTube’s Censorship

The Face Behind YouTube’s Censorship

The graphic pictured above was featured in The Washington Times concerning the Google and their Communist connection. The Times headline and sub-head read: “How Google is Communist China’s collaborator, The company is a participant in ventures it must know...
What is Happening With American Justice?

What is Happening With American Justice?

US Supreme Court.   The news today that Hunter Biden and his attorneys had brokered a plea deal with Federal prosecutors over Hunter’s alleged misconduct was appalling to at least half the country who represent conservative views based on the Declaration of...
China Prepares War, Aims at US

China Prepares War, Aims at US

China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) makes a show of force and conduct military drills designed to encroach on Taiwan. Above the type 052A destroyer Qingdao in Pearl Harbor. Photo courtesy Whitefleet.net. This article originally appeared in The Standard print April...
Are Any “Contending for the Faith” Today?

Are Any “Contending for the Faith” Today?

Contending for the faith is fighting for your belief and value system. One system will win. Photo courtesy Trend loops.   We have been silent for way too long! To many people have allowed, participated in and perpetuated a lie in our state and country to not only...
Magna Charta at 808

Magna Charta at 808

At 808 the Magna Charta remains a major document representing liberties demanded by the people. Image courtesy Texas Tech Remnant Trust.   Though the Magna Charta has been with us for a long time, there is something better than Magna Charta! Read along with...
The Democrats Versus Trump: A Bad Horror Movie?

The Democrats Versus Trump: A Bad Horror Movie?

Democrats appear to be grasping at straws as they look foolish trying to indict Trump on every thing they are being found guilty of. Photo courtesy of Wilcow! video.   The “Democrats and Donald Trump” reminds me of a bad horror movie, where the...
Heart to Run

Heart to Run

Secretariat wins the 1973 Belmont Stakes by 31 lengths in an amazing and historic performance. Photo courtesy Americas Best Racing/Bob Coglianese/Secretariat.com.   Hast thou given the horse strength? hast thou clothed his neck with thunder? Canst thou make him...
Methodists Split

Methodists Split

Remembrances of the old Methodist church under the Cattle Creek Camp site shed. Photo Lisa Rudisill   The United Methodist Church has officially split. 113 South Carolina Methodist churches officially left the ranks of Methodism and declared themselves...