Is America Like Nineveh?

Is America Like Nineveh?

Illustration of Jonah preaching in Nineveh by Gustave Doré (1832-1883). In Jonah chapter 3, the prophet came with a message  to the stiff necked people of Nineveh. What happened next surprised Jonah. How like us were the people of Nineveh? A sinful, pagan, licentious...
Wheat Stockpiles Lower Than Expected Worldwide

Wheat Stockpiles Lower Than Expected Worldwide

World wheat supplies in storage are currently equal to about 10 weeks worth of global wheat consumption.   If someone told you the world has only a few weeks of wheat left before inventory runs out, would you believe them? U.S. estimates show global wheat levels...

Electric Cars Have Hidden Expense

Ok, so you’ve decided to be ‘cool’ and get the latest electric car by Elon and his Tesla company. It drives nice, has great pickup, doesn’t have that nasty gas smell, and hey, you don’t have to stop at the gas station and pay those super high prices! Everything is...

Lessons from Ruby Ridge

Randy Weaver holds photograph of son Samuel Weaver at a press conference in 2007. During a government siege in 1992, Weaver was shot in the back, and son Samuel was murdered, by FBI agents. Photo courtesy Spokesman Review.   For those too young to remember, it...
“Share Your Master’s Love”

“Share Your Master’s Love”

Original artwork by Patsy Paterno.   Sometimes I stumble upon real treasures while researching various topics to write on. As I was looking for information on the Vietnam war era I found “Patsy Pat”. What a treasure trove of beautiful artwork and timely devotions...
Daddy is on My Mind

Daddy is on My Mind

  If he was still alive today, my Daddy would be 99 years old. During the economic depression of the 1930’s he worked a couple of years in the CCC camps, helping build a bridge in Washington state. Drafted into the Army in 1943, he was assigned to the 36th...
Klaus Schwab and WEF Want to Microchip Your Child

Klaus Schwab and WEF Want to Microchip Your Child

Most people consider children their most precious asset. Now along comes globalist Klaus Schwab and the WEF wanting to lay claim to your child and his future ability to buy or sell with what many would call a “mark of the beast”. Until recently, people who wrote about...
Communist Coup d’etat and War on America!

Communist Coup d’etat and War on America!

  There is a Communist coup d’etat taking place on America! We are at WAR! This is a Notice and dire warning to patriotic Americans (who probably know this already) everywhere! I am alerting you to prepare because the Communists among us are seeing that Americans...
Getting Back to the “Exceptional” America

Getting Back to the “Exceptional” America

  “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.” Ronald Reagan   As I prepared to celebrate Independence Day 2022, I watched the most powerful and emotional interview I have ever witnessed. Marine veteran Carl Dekel had received the Silver...

Kairos Passing Quickly

  In June, we wrote of our experience at Harvard Law School graduation where New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern’s commencement address sounded much more like an expository sermon advancing religious secularism than a keynote address befitting a college...

How America’s Economy was Ruined

In 1945 the United States emerged from a world war with the only intact industrial economy in the world. The British, European, Soviet, and Japanese economies were in ruins. China and the rest of Asia, Africa, and South America had undeveloped economies, later renamed...

Descent from America into the Depths of Hell

The FBI raided President Donald Trump’s home at Mar a Lago for undisclosed secret documents from his presidency. This after the Trump organization had voluntarily given the National Archives everything they had previously asked for. Why the sudden turnaround with a...

Inflation Reduction (?) Act

The Democrats passed legislation that in this backwards, upside down world is misnamed “The Inflation Reduction Act.” Could that be another reason for the raid on Mar a Lago and President Trump? It’s a $750 billion monstrosity that includes one of...

FBI Raid on Trump, Toilets, and 2024

“These are dark times for our nation,” wrote President Trump, after the FBI raided his home in Palm Beach on Monday. The reason for the raid, as some speculate, is that the former President has official documents hidden at Mar-a-Lago, violating the Presidential...

Under Biden, Americans are Not free

Under President Joe Biden the economy had tanked, inflation has topped a 40 year mark, gas prices are the highest on average in history, the housing market is the highest in history, supply lines have been cut, store shelves are empty of food, media propaganda is at a...
Decorated Vietnam War Hero Passes

Decorated Vietnam War Hero Passes

Vietnam veteran, and US Army 1st Sergeant David T. Reed following a rifle match awards ceremony in 1961. Photo US Army via Michael Reed.   IN HONOR OF THE MAN   A scrap of paper with the date of birth, date of demise, next of kin, and a little other brief...