With Senile Joe Biden’s trillion-dollar “Build Back Better” socialist green energy scheme facing an uncertain fate in the U.S. Senate, Biden is now threatening to pull a Barack Obama and enact this radical economy-destroying plan without congressional support....
NOTE: Gaslighting is a tactic in which a person or entity, in order to gain more power, makes a victim question reality. Anyone is susceptible to gaslighting, and it is a common technique of abusers, dictators, narcissists, and cult leaders. It is commonly compared to...
Americans have recently witnessed a great contrast of what the Second Amendment means to the safety, security and self protection of our citizenry. It couldn’t be more clear. Over an Hour Look at the murder rampage that took place at a public school in Uvalde,...
In an unprecedented settlement against a private employer Christian based defense law firm Liberty Counsel settled the nations first classwide lawsuit for health care workers over a COVID shot mandate. The class action settlement against NorthShore University...
Recently on FOX News’s Hannity show, Ari Fleisher, a self-described member of the establishment GOP, weakly attempted to placate both sides of the fractured Republican Party. He emphatically pleaded the argument that the establishment needs to respect the...
In February of this year, we reported on Fufeng, a company with direct ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), investing over $350 million in North Dakota’s agricultural land. At the time, other mainstream news outlets stayed silent. But now, the situation has...
Many people think electric cars will solve problems related to hydrocarbon use. It’s obvious they haven’t looked at the science! Someone said, not unless they were fueled only with electricity made by wind and sunshine. Well, that is just not good enough. Fully thirty...
Law Enforcement agents from the ATF and Delaware State Police showed up in tactical gear on a supposedly “routine visit” wishing to “verify” a homeowner’s weapons purchases. The agents did not have a warrant, and the homeowner was not a suspect to...
Top officials in the Biden administration have brought ridicule, poor morale, low recruiting and shame to the US Military. And for what purpose? Cultural Marxism of any form has no place in defending the United States. Photo courtesy Dreamtimes. With all the problems...
Jesus cites the Book of Deuteronomy more often in Scripture than any other Bible book. He resists Satan’s temptations by defending Himself by quoting from Deuteronomy. Yet, writes Dr. Bruce K. Waltke, the 91-yr-old foremost living authority on Old Testament wisdom...
The hero of Greenville Park Mall in Indiana, Elisjsha Dicken, is being compared to Uvalde, Texas police. The action Dicken took in 15 seconds versus the inaction of over 300 police officers proves armed citizens prevent crime. The Greenwood Park Mall shooter Jonathan...
Another globalist puppet gone, “anuzzer vun” needed. The news stories below are from events and analysis that over the past two weeks have been buried under the rubble of abortion, mass casualty events (Uvalde), the European drought and the piling on to Senator...
Elisjsha Dicken stopped a mall shooter when he used his personal firearm to stop the threat to shoppers. Elisjsha Dicken is a 22-year-old Indiana man who is being praised as a hero for stopping the mass shooter who gunned down three people and wounded two...
Law professor Khiara Bridges giving false testimony that men can birth children before Sen. Josh Hawley and the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee. UC Berkeley School of Law professor Khiara Bridges’ testimony before the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee last week was...
Politics in the Biden administration are controlling good health recommendations, thus jeopardizing the health of the nation. The calls and text messages are relentless. On the other end are doctors and scientists at the top levels of the NIH, FDA and CDC. They...
Although sometimes dubbed “the ivory tower,” the academy is anything but a quaint exception to or ancillary adjunct of the real world. Quite otherwise, academia is an ideological state apparatus. I maintain that the academy is the dominant ideological state apparatus....
What’s really going on with Covid vaccinations? It seems the world is full of incidents that the dominant media ignores relating to your health. Maybe Advertising money plays a part in that. Some headlines and news recently: VAERS reports say fetal abnormalities are...
Talk about “seeing red.” As of June 16, of this year, the markets entered bear market territory. The Dow Jones Industrial Average has lost 18%. The broader S&P 500 Index is down 23% and the NASDAQ Index — which includes most Technology companies...
SCPIE President Sheri Few at a Stop Fed Ed campaign event in Elgin, South Carolina. (Facebook/Sheri Few) U.S. Parents Involved in Education (USPIE) has filed a lawsuit against a school district in South Carolina after efforts to obtain teacher training manuals...
For years, stock and bond markets have only sailed upward. Inflation remained steady at between 2% and 3%. Everyone was certain this trend would continue for the foreseeable future. Also, the red-hot cryptocurrency market was skyrocketing ever higher, seeding...
The Georgia Guidestones are no more. Someone blew them up. Or maybe it was a bolt of lightning from the hand of God. Many will say it’s a shame that the ’stones are gone. After all, they were private property and some say the inscriptions on the giant stone...
Recent surveys reveal the organized church is severely deficient in sound Biblical doctrine with only 37% of pastors, 12% of children’s and youth pastors and 9% of worshippers having a Biblical worldview! That means many in the church are dead men walking! ...
The Great Whore as described in The Bible Book of Revelation. Image Public Domain. These kings are of one mind, and they give their power and authority to the beast. — Revelation 17:13 Judas Goat — Part 6 The United Nations/World Health...
President Calvin Coolidge (left) with General John J. Pershing The Atlantic recently ran an article suggesting that many college students are earning business degrees in order to gain the hands-on skills they’ll need to land a job. But in the process of focusing on...
World Economic Forum Chair Klaus Schwab has eye on becoming one World ruler. Who is really running the world in 2022? Is it Senile Joe Biden who struggles to enunciate a coherent sentence? Is it Vladimir Putin whose armies are facing incredible resistance from the...
Just when you think things couldn’t be more ‘looney tunes’ and unbelievable, California Democrats prove you wrong! What is happening in the USA looks like a horror movie or a page out of the playbook on how to destroy a country “without firing a shot”. Observing...
A hot debate going on right now in SC is WHO one should vote for in the upcoming Republican Primary run off on Tuesday, June 28, 2022, for SC Superintendent of Education. The two candidates running for the Republican Candidate Primary are Ellen Weaver, the Chairman of...
Casino gambling is illegal in SC, but some elected representatives help casino owners flaunt the law by making new laws, thus exposing South Carolinians, the general public, investors and others to potential risk or harm. A controversy swirled for years around...
World Economic Forum mastermind and globalist Klaus Schwab. The annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos took place from May 23rd to May 26th, 2022. This year’s theme, “History at a Turning Point: Government Policies, Corporate Strategies,” was...
Local businesses endorse Jay Kilmartin for SC House District 85 Chapin, SC 04/25/2022 – Local small businesses have chosen their candidate for the open seat in State House District 85 covering the Chapin and Irmo areas of Lexington County in the June 14th...
URGENT: Only Congress can Stop WHO Takeover of America! This weekend, Joe Biden plans to cede U.S. sovereignty over our health affairs to the United Nations’ World Health Organization (WHO). If successful, WHO will be able to impose its rules—including...
Photo courtesy The Desert Review. While the whole world is sleeping, thanks in part to selective news reporting by the dominate news media, the World Health Organization (WHO) is preparing to take over the sovereignty of the United States. That is, if...
Artist rendering of what Two Kings Casino may look like when construction is done! Courtesy Two Kings Casino, Kings Mountain, North Carolina We begin with a brief review of the Catawba Tribe’s recognition history: In 1941, the Catawba Indian Tribe of South...
It appears our own government representatives have sold the farm and American citizens with it, as they are destroying the sovereignty and independence our forefathers fought for by seeking the corrupt ‘blessings’ of the communist dominated World Health...
General Douglas MacArthur. Photo courtesy Encyclopedia Britannica. On May 12, 1962, 82 year old General of the US Army named Douglas MacArthur rose to speak to the graduating cadets at the US Military Academy at West Point. That day sixty years ago MacArthur...
Mike Lindell, the My Pillow guy, was the keynote speaker Saturday evening. He spoke on the importance of securing the elections in this country, and how Americans can accomplish it. Photo The Standard. The annual Rock the Red conference held in Greenville May...
This past weekend I volunteered at the Rock The Red Conference in Greenville, SC. As a young adult this event greatly impacted my life and has given me hope for God’s mighty hand of Providence to work in America and around the world for generations to come. Over the...
A middle of the night ballot box security camera catches a box stuffer in 2000 Mules. Photo courtesy NoQReport. “The falsification of history has done more to impede human development than any one thing known to mankind.” ~~~ Rousseau The heart of...
House District 85 candidate Jay Kilmartin speaking at Alodia’s Italian Restaurant at the kickoff of his campaign. Photo The StandardSC. Supporters from around the Midlands area gathered at Allodia’s Cucina Italiana Restaurant in Irmo on Monday...
UK study finds microplastics, most likely from inhalation, in all regions of human lungs sampled. Did they arrive from masks? Image courtesy of Primary Doctor Medical Journal. A new UK study from Hull York Medical School sampled human lung tissue using...