Young men are struggling more today than ever partly due to feminism and discrimination. Photo courtesy Freepik. For the sake of our young all the hate directed at males must stop! A recent poll conducted by the University of Michigan “Monitoring the Future”...
Soldiers prepared for attack. Photo courtesy Pexels/Asim Alnamat. After the last few years of increasing progressive radicalism, Americans are finally seeing pushback from Congress over the wokeness permeating too much of the US military under the Biden...
Trust is part of the training at military schools among others. The word “Trust” is etched on the edge of a bench at the US Military Academy at West Point. Photo courtesy Unsplash/Dave Lowe. A newly published video of new doctors taking a revised...
It’s safe to say that America as a whole, and California in particular, has heading the wrong direction for quite a long time. Photo courtesy Pexels/Benjamin Farren. California is at it again in pushing the bounds of progressive radicalism with minor...
Number 45 President Donald Trump faces political indictment much like the political prisoners of January 6, 2021, have faced since they were arrested by political witch-hunt type tactics. Photo courtesy ROF video. Learning about former President Donald Trump’s...
Minneapolis burns following death of George Floyd in 2020. Violence, rioting, burning, looting and death threats toward public officials ensued immediate following. Photo from video clip courtesy Minneapolis. In the wake of the Antifa and BLM...