by The Standard | Sep 4, 2021 | Bill Connor
US troops prepare to board a US Air Force C-17 cargo plane in Kabul and leave Afghanistan after almost 20 years. Photo courtesy California18. With the catastrophically misguided Biden withdrawal plan from Afghanistan, the world watched as mayhem ensued after...
by The Standard | Aug 10, 2021 | Bill Connor
Institute for Social Research, also known as The Frankfurt School, University of Michigan. The Progressive agenda to suppress conservative speech is Ramping up to alarming levels. During the 2020 Presidential Campaign we saw a new level of conservative...
by The Standard | May 29, 2021 | Bill Connor
When I was growing up, I remember frustration with seeing what appeared to be people get away with lying. In his wisdom, my grandfather helped provide a nugget of wisdom I have never forgotten: “Truth is the daughter of time”. In having lived a long...
by The Standard | Apr 27, 2021 | Bill Connor
Early 20th century Italian Marxist Antonio Gramsci is considered by many to be the father of what became known as cultural Marxism. In his prison notes, Gramsci wrote of the importance of overturning the “cultural hegemony” of a nation to bring a proletariat (Marxist)...
by The Standard | Apr 3, 2021 | Bill Connor
Baizuo At the start of the recent talks between senior US and Chinese diplomats in Alaska, the Chinese Foreign minister, Yang Jiechi made uncharacteristically public belligerent statements. Yang proclaimed that the US did not come to the meeting from a...
by The Standard | Mar 9, 2021 | Bill Connor
In a recent Rachel Maddow monologue on MSNBC, Maddow specifically questioned and criticized allegations that top Pentagon officers recommended reconsidering the use of National Guard troops due to the “optics”. When asked about those involved with that phone...