by The Standard | Sep 16, 2021 | Lisa Rudisill
Statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee being removed in Richmond, Virginia. Photo courtesy of It’s not enough that the South lost the Civil War after four bloody, awful years and suffered the burning of cities, martial law and Reconstruction...
by The Standard | Sep 12, 2021 | Lisa Rudisill
The Marxist Critical Race Theory uses “Critical Theories” to “urge revolution in societies against traditional values”. The “Black Lives Matter” movement is part of the fruit that has sprung from CRT. CRT has built its foundation on...
by The Standard | Jul 6, 2021 | Lisa Rudisill
Can you identify the likeness of this famous Confederate General whose statue stands in Statuary Hall in the US Capitol Building? Does this statue offend you? If so, why? Please enter your guess and comments in the comments section below. The Standard will identify...
by The Standard | Jun 20, 2021 | Lisa Rudisill
Reading, writing and arithmetic, known as the 3 R’s, has long been the standard for primary education. These basics don’t seem to get as much attention today as they once did and our entire society suffers for it. Most parents agree that teaching deviant...
by The Standard | May 23, 2021 | Lisa Rudisill
Midway Elementary School, Lexington District 1, has come under scrutiny by the community after a parent disclosed that his child had been bullied by two 5th grade “lesbian” students following a lesson that taught students about “transgender”...
by The Standard | Mar 11, 2021 | Lisa Rudisill
The statue of South Carolinian, US Senator and former Vice President of the United States, John C. Calhoun was removed last June from its resting place on Marion Square in Charleston after over 120 years. Charleston Mayor John Tecklenburg led the fight to remove the...