With Whom Are You Keeping Company?

With Whom Are You Keeping Company?

  The general rule of thought is that you, each of us, is the summation of the 5 or 6 people whom we associate and surround ourselves with the most daily and weekly. Go ahead, think of the people you are spending time or hanging out with on a regular basis. Do...
Is America Like Nineveh?

Is America Like Nineveh?

Illustration of Jonah preaching in Nineveh by Gustave Doré (1832-1883). In Jonah chapter 3, the prophet came with a message  to the stiff necked people of Nineveh. What happened next surprised Jonah. How like us were the people of Nineveh? A sinful, pagan, licentious...

Electric Cars Have Hidden Expense

Ok, so you’ve decided to be ‘cool’ and get the latest electric car by Elon and his Tesla company. It drives nice, has great pickup, doesn’t have that nasty gas smell, and hey, you don’t have to stop at the gas station and pay those super high prices! Everything is...