“Moses and the Ten Commandments” by Gustave Dore, 1889. From the Dore Bible Gallery Illustrated book.
Many Preachers won’t say anything about politics because they believe trusting God is the answer. But God also trusts us to vote for leaders that follow His truth.
The first 3 commandments deal with our relation with God:
1. You should have no other gods before me2. You shall not make a graven image3. You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God
Ask yourself: Which party has eliminated even the mention of God from their platform? Which party has taken away the right for worshipers to gather? In some states churches are closed and casinos open. Which party consistently disrespects God’s name by passing laws that go directly against his word?
4. Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it Holy
In other words set aside a day for God. Which party is filled with church going believers? And which party has worked for the elimination of God from schools and courts? People used to swear on a bible to tell the truth when testifying. Kids prayed in schools. People were proud of their faith but now are shamed into silence. They’re labeled as “clinging to their guns and religion.” Which party sees God as threat to their power?
5. Honor your Father and Mother.
Which party no longer believes in a mother and father? Which party rewards mothers for having multiple children with multiple partners? How can you honor your parents when many kids are raised by whoever takes them in because the idea of family has been destroyed. Which party is pro family and which party is not?
6. You shall not murder.
Which party has legalized the death of 8 million babies murdered yearly in the womb? Also which party looks the other way while police, children, and innocent bystanders are killed? Which party has now determined whose life matters and whose life doesn’t? Clearly all Lives matter to God.
7. You shall not commit adultery.
The Holy Bible lists the Ten Commandments at Exodus chapter 20.
What is adultery to a party that has written its own definition of marriage? When the core family is torn apart through adultery, or in any way, the foundations that holds families and communities together is built on shaky ground.
8. Thou shall not steal.
Which party has legalized theft by allowing looting and rioting? Stealing is no longer a crime in many cities. Destroying someone else’s property is a form of theft and robs people of their lives and livelihood. Which party has made stealing legal?
9. You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.
Which party spews lies and false information daily. Which party has destroyed people’s lives with overt lies? Judges, Generals, and even the President. Which party tried to destroy free elections with lies and misinformation? Lie on top of lie.
10. You shall not covet anything that belongs to your neighbor.
Which party is saying ‘your neighbor does not own their property, you do. We will give you something that does not belong to you because you’re owed. Look at how nice that person’s car is. You should have it.’ Yet that party did nothing for 40 years to help people out of their life of poverty.
Which party profited by keeping people segregated and separated? Which party profited by giving out free stuff and promising more? Which party failed communities and is promising more free stuff for votes and blaming everyone but themselves? Which party is selling COVETING in exchange for votes and power?
Vote anyway you please, but if you are a Christian, ask yourself: Do the 10 commandments matter or not?
We all sin but which party’s platform is based on sin and goes directly against God’s commands?
Colette Harrington is the author of “Newport Wedding Belles“, and co-writer of the film “Only God Can“, which was released at the box office to outstanding reviews. She hosted the Charleston based TV show Sweet Carolina and has worked in talk radio. She’s a member of the Screen Actors Guild, and writer of the award winning play “Marble House”. She may be reached at SweetCarolinaTV@gmail.com.
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