GE plants all over the US will be joining in protests this week and next, Mon-Fri 11a–12:30p. The above protest occurred in Ohio.
Joe Biden mandated jab is disrupting commerce, discriminatory, and violates basic Constitutional freedoms.
(Greenville, SC) GE Power employees joined a nationwide walkout to protest COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates. Similar walkouts were experienced in Indiana and Ohio. At least 100 GE employees and citizens of South Carolina lined the streets outside of the Greenville GE Power facility showing their discontent with the Biden Administration’s Executive Order signed in September of 2021 mandating all federal employees and contractors receive a coronavirus vaccination. The Executive Order of course comes with a few exemptions adding to the questionable nature of the mandate. Exemptions include
Congressional staff, White House staff, vaccine manufacturers, and others. Joe Biden has since been sued over the Executive Order due to its unconstitutional nature.
The mandate calls for all employees to be vaccinated. According to sources within GE, the GE policy calls for breastfeeding and pregnant women to also take the untested and unapproved experimental vaccine. Department of Labor rules offer protections for pregnant or nursing mothers.
Employees of GE Greenville make a stand against mandated jab vs job.
At the walkout employees and supporters could be seen holding signs stating, “Jab or Job. No Mandates”, “We’re not gonna take it”, and “We support GE employees” last Thursday morning. Two GE employees, Jason Owens and Shannon Harrill, told the Greenville News that the protest was directed at the vaccine mandate and not their company. “We worked as an essential employee through the entire COVID pandemic,” Harrill, who has worked for GE for almost 20 years, said. “We were required to be here or lose our job. Now you’re requiring me to take it to stay here.” Another GE employee, who will remain unnamed, was heard explaining his recent loss of a family member due to blood clots after receiving the vaccination.
The protest comes after heightened controversy surrounding the legality of such medical mandates as well as rising safety concerns associated with the vaccines.
Johns Hopkins Medical School
According to John Hopkins University, the mortality rate for individuals who have contracted Covid-19 in the United States is 1.6%. Additionally, according to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), individuals who have experienced adverse events due to the coronavirus vaccine climb to more than 800,000. More than 17,000 of those adverse events resulted in death of the vaccinated individual. This calls into question the safety and effectiveness of the Covid-19 vaccines currently available. Not to mention, whether the benefit of a vaccine for a virus with a 98.4% survival rate is worth the risk of the potential adverse effects. Compare these statistics with statistics recorded in The Standard just six weeks ago.
Greenville GE employees protest mandated jab.
The FDA has stated that previously known Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 Vaccine is now branded and marketed under the name “Comirnaty”. A name that, according to the FDA, is a combination of “Covid-19 immunity” and “mRNA” and that is meant to evoke the word “community”. Pfizer “Comirnaty” is said to have full FDA Approval, however, it has been noticed that in a “Vaccine Information Fact Sheet for Recipients and Caregivers” the FDA states, “The FDA-approved COMIRNATY (COVID-19 Vaccine, mRNA) and the FDA-authorized Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) have the same formulation and can be used interchangeably to provide the COVID-19 vaccination series.” They then go on to state in a footnote, “The licensed vaccine has the same formulation as the EUA-authorized vaccine and the products can be used interchangeably to provide the vaccination series without presenting any safety or effectiveness concerns. The products are legally distinct with certain differences that do not impact safety or effectiveness.” Simply put, the communication strategy on behalf of the FDA approvals leaves much room for interpretation.
Fauci Lied, Destroys All Credibility. What Else is he Lying About?
What’s more, suspicions are raised regarding the trustworthiness of the FDA, CDC, WHO and the NIH as it comes to light that Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of NIAID and leading influencer for the Covid-19 vaccine, lied under oath while testifying to the U.S. Senate. Rand Paul said those lies led to 5,000,000 deaths. Fauci stated that “the NIH did not fund “gain-of-function” research”, however, the NIH then provided the U.S. House of Representatives a 528 page document proving that the NIH did in fact fund “gain-of-function” research in Wuhan.
The recent display of government overreach in combination with the exposure of Dr. Fauci’s blatant disregard for the rule of law has led to American citizens taking action and speaking out against the tyrannical vaccine mandates. The Greenville County Republican Party (GCGOP) issued a statement declaring, “We stand in solidarity with GE Power employees. We completely disagree with any medical mandates, particularly those for an injection which has caused over 798,000 adverse events nationwide. Medical decisions are unique to an individual. It is not GE’s place to mandate that any person in their employment be forced to undergo a medical procedure that is risky and has caused so much harm.” Chairman of the GCGOP, Jeff Davis, continued, “Since the pharmaceutical companies who manufacture the vaccines have been given total immunity from liability lawsuits related to vaccinations employees have no safety net should they join the legions of people who have become permanently disabled, had miscarriages, and had severe blood and heart issues, or even died. The number of deaths alone has now reportedly exceeded 16,500.”
The GCGOP has also been hosting Medical Freedom Rallies every Sunday from 3–5PM throughout Greenville, SC. The rallies are where concerned citizens gather together to stand against medical mandates. To follow upcoming events, sign up at
Another example comes from a recent post on Senator Rand Paul Telegram stating, “Calling All Americans! Nationwide Shutdown November 03, 2021. Law Enforcement, Fireman, Paramedics, Drs, Nurses, Truckers, Retail, Warehouse, Etc. No Masks, No Vaccines, No Testing. It’s Time Our Voices Are Heard! God Bless America!”
As free Americans, We the People, have a choice and should not be subjected to mistreatment, segregation based on vaccination status, or negative ramification due to personal medical decisions. It is becoming clear vaccination mandates may be more about control than health and safety and the People are catching on.
Dakota Fitzgerald is 2nd Vice Chair of the Greenville County GOP, an America First MAGA Patriot whose vision is to embolden others to embrace, wholly, their duty and contribution to humanity while forming a more perfect Union and fighting to End Human Trafficking.
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