Mexican dictator Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna has been leading his Army all over Mexico for several years, brutally repressing revolts. Most recently by killing everyone of the 186 defenders of the Alamo and 400 more at Goliad, most of whom had already surrendered.
His army wore flashy uniforms, carried flags, bugles, tents, the latest weapons.
The ragged Texian army was comprised mostly of volunteers and buckskins were more common than uniforms. They were equipped with a motley collection of hunting rifles and home made knives, almost no two alike.
The Alamo
Santa Anna already sent a portion of his army north under command of his brother-in-law General Cos. Being over confident this afternoon, he did not even bother posting pickets before allowing everyone to take an afternoon nap. In the Mexican culture that is known as a siesta and is a habit which persists to this day.
General Sam Houston lived among the Cherokees for several years. They gave Houston the name “Big Drunk.” His strategy up to this date had been to steadily retreat east, while avoiding battle with the larger and better equipped Mexican army. In theory Houston hoped time spent retreating will enable his army to become better trained and disciplined.
Now both armies are camped near the banks of the San Jacinto River, about twenty miles southeast of modern downtown Houston.
“Remember the Alamo!” — Battle cry heard at the Battle of San Jacinto
Texans are mostly mounted on horseback, while many Mexicans are infantry. The Texas Army opened the battle with a brief cannonade from two small brass canons, known as the Twin Sisters. They are a gift from the people of Cincinnati, Ohio. They would later be pressed into Confederate service. In the spring of 1865 they were supposedly thrown from a moving freight train as it passed over a creek, in order to prevent them from falling into Yankee hands.
Sam Houston
They have never been found and would be priceless relics if they ever surface.
Following the brief artillery barrage, if it can be called that, the left wing of the Texas Army, under the command of Col. Sidney Sherman, who would become a Major General in Confederate gray, attacks the confused Mexicans.
Meanwhile General Houston personally commands the Texian cavalry falling on the right flank of the now surrounded Mexican Army. Santa Anna chose his camp on very poor ground with it’s back to the San Jacinto River, leaving no place to retreat.
Historians consider this eighteen minutes among the most important battles ever fought. It was a lopsided slaughter with enraged Texians shouting “Remember the Alamo!” They took almost no casualties while killing hundreds of Mexicans.
Santa Anna was captured and forced to sign a document giving Texas independence, in exchange for his life. This may have been the original offer you cannot refuse!
Now you know why April 21st is a legal holiday in Texas.
Dean Allen is a decorated Vietnam veteran, book author and former Secretary of the Anderson (SC) GOP. He is also President of Freedom Source University.
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