In 1980, there were several candidates seeking the Republican nomination for President of the United States.
I was a delegate to the Texas State Republican Convention. It was held in Dallas that year.
Left to right: Texas Governor John B. Connally, US President John F. Kennedy, Jackie Kennedy, Nellie Connally.
As usual, leading candidates were there speaking to several thousand delegates, alternates, guests and vendors. One of those was the former three term Governor of Texas, John B. Connally.
Walking down one of the wide hallways in the convention center, I spotted Governor Connally and his entourage coming my way, slowly working the crowd.
When Governor Connally reached me and stuck out his hand, I held on to his hand with both of mine and asked him a direct question:
“Governor, do you believe the Warren Commission Report stating the bullet that hit you is the same one that hit President Kennedy?”
He looked me right in the eye and said, “Absolutely not!”
If you recollect where you were or what you remember leave a comment below or write us a letter or personal testimonial. This is a topic that is not going away as long as we can remember.
Dean Allen is a decorated Vietnam veteran and book author.