On a hot summer day, the 28th of August 1963, over 200,000 people gathered on the mall in front of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. They gathered to hear a young Southern Black Baptist preacher named Martin Luther King, Jr., describe his vision of America. He spoke in terms of justice, guaranteed inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and his children being judged on the ‘content of their character’ and not on the color of their skin. Photo courtesy whitehouse.gov
Public schools in this nation, have stepped away from this dream, instead having embraced a racist ideology named Critical Race Theory. Critical Race Theory eliminates personal responsibility, labels all minorities as victims, and condemns the white race as guilty based on the color of their skin.
Dr. Carol M. Swain
U.S. Parents Involved in Education, led by April Few, recently hosted an event raising awareness on the dangers of Critical Race Theory in schools. Dr. Carol Swain and Dr. Duke Pesta spoke at this event to educate parents how to fight for their children in government run publicly funded schools and universities.
Dr. Carol Swain, one of the first professors to be canceled by what’s called ‘Cancel Culture‘, for opposing Black Lives Matter (BLM) and rejecting diversity training, resigned from her position at Vanderbilt University. Swain had humble beginnings arising from poverty to doctorate degree. She was raised in a family of 12 children and was a high school dropout who later earned her GED, attended college full time, worked full time all while parenting, and made it on to the Dean’s list. She would then work as a presidential appointee in the National Council on Humanities, for the Bush and Obama administrations. Dr. Swain would later be appointed by President Trump, as Co-Chair on the 1776 Commission. Dr. Swain did all this as a black woman in the United States of America, the very same United States that voted in Barak Hussein Obama as the first black man elected President.
If America is based on systemic racism as the progressive left claims it to be, why are there successful minorities? Why is the left trying to eliminate personal responsibility and create a victimization mentality in all minorities? Why is the progressive left trying to eliminate racism with more racism? Critical Race Theory is a way to push socialism. Create a lie that systemic racism exists, to push the narrative that socialism is the solution.
Dr. Carol Swain, reminded everyone that self control, creating goals, and civil rights are for all races to grasp and learn. She said, “White people, you are protected under the Civil Rights Act as well.” Everyone needs to be anti-racist.
“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.”
— Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Dr. Duke Pesta
Dr. Duke Pesta offered his expertise in education, as a college professor and a reformer. In his days teaching freshman college students, he observed students only had a ninth grade reading level, self-hatred and hatred for their country. As an English Literature professor, he was no longer able to teach his students grammar, syntax, because it was considered white supremacy. Schools are no longer teaching mastery on a subject, because if a student fails and they are a minority, it will be blamed on racism. Honors programs and enrichment programs are now being eliminated, for equity, a push for equal results in the classroom. Accepting students for enrollment into university, no longer by meritocracy but by mediocrity and intersectionality gender, race, socioeconomic status. Critical Race Theory bans critical thinking in schools and pushes mediocre results. No student is allowed to excel, it lower the standards for all. According to Pesta, Critical Race theory is purposely creating failing schools, and is the door that fascism will enter through.
Critical Race Theory is a Marxist concept. The Marxist theory pits oppressors (scapegoats) vs oppressed, and that the oppressed need to eliminate the oppressors, by any means necessary. Dr. Duke, warned that this has been done before, in Russia it was the Czar, Christians, Kulaks oppressing the Bolsheviks. Bolsheviks murdered the Czar and his family, committed mass genocide on the Kulaks and pushed for atheism. It happened in Germany with the Nazi party, in German, the Nationalsozialismus or National Socialism party, blamed their oppression on the Jews. We are seeing books being banned and the rewriting of history, free speech being chipped away one word at a time. The effeminization of men, binds the strong man to rob the house to allow the destruction of the western nuclear family.
A mom addresses school board meeting.
Dr. Pesta said, “We have heard at school board meetings, parents being ‘told your time is up, your time is up!’ Well it’s our turn to tell school officials, ‘NO, your time is up!” Ask your child’s teacher what they are teaching your kids. Just be aware of the tricks of deception, some school administrators have advised teachers to provide parents a fake curriculum. They may have banned CRT in some states but there is no way to monitor all classrooms to make sure CRT is not taught. Dr. Pesta also advised that even if classrooms have all the right books, teaching directly from the Constitution or the Bible, teachers are still teaching through a skewed lens of CRT, feminism, Marxism, environmentalism, and transgenderism.
Parents are their child’s first educator, parents need to take back their children from these harmful ideologies. Parents should monitor assignments coming home. Document and notify legislators if CRT is being taught in the classrooms, push for penalties on the school for allowing CRT to be taught in classrooms. It is a violation of human civil rights to bully a child because of their skin color. College campuses are used by progressives as a leftist mill, pumping more young adults to hate this country and to abolish the free market. College education needs to be reformed and state funding should be removed if colleges continue to teach CRT.
“teachers are still teaching through a skewed lens of CRT, feminism, Marxism, environmentalism, and transgenderism.” — Dr. Duke Pesta
Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it. The progressive left understands this concept more than Christian parents, children are being conditioned not taught, children are being indoctrinated not educated. Discard the saying, it takes a village to raise a child, that village is now mob rule. Take your child back, teach them virtues and to critically think. The cure to critical race theory is critical thinking, analyzing the facts objectively, through an unbiased lens.
U.S.P.I.E. has a documentary in the works, exposing the lies in American education. For more information, resources on how parents can take back their children’s education visit their website, uspie.org.
Evelyn Macleod served in the U.S. Army as a Medical Lab Tech, she has always had an inquisitive mind and willing to serve her great country. She enjoys arming good honest people with knowledge to take their country back. When she is not writing, she is reading and researching. “She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.” Please “like”, comment, share with a friend, and donate to support The Standard on this page. Become a Patron!
Public education is for “preparing students for adult life.” CRT and other Marxist ideology will continue in public schools unless change is made in those higher learning universities, etc that produce teachers and at local BOE levels. Local control (and voting) needs to be reemphasized.