Some Say Hospitals Are Treating Federal Guidelines As Mandates That Restrict Them From Providing Alternative, Potentially Life-Saving, Treatments.
Local Conservative GCGOP leader Pressley Stutts died August 19th. His death raises concerns regarding hospital care. Pressley Stutts was only one of many thousands who have lost their lives while in a hospital and on CDC protocols. Pictured above is a photo of Stutts provided by his friends for this article.
The protocols of the National Institute of Health state:
“Finally, it is important to stress that the rated treatment recommendations in these Guidelines should not be considered mandates. The choice of what to do or not to do for an individual patient is ultimately decided by the patient and their provider.” — National Institute of Health
Ivermectin has long been available for human use.
Stutts, who was recently elected as Greenville County GOP Executive Committeeman, went into the hospital on August first. He was expecting the best treatment care available for double pneumonia. What he received was something else: his hospital prohibited the use of medications with long track records for safety, and touted by President Trump as safe and effective ivermectin and other medications that had shown promise across the world in successfully treating COVID. Throughout his hospitalization Pressley’s health deteriorated, but even in his final days when his lawyer pressed for ivermectin on a compassionate use basis, the request was denied. Pressley’s condition worsened, and he was placed on a mechanical ventilator to enable him to breath. On August 19, 2021, Pressley lost his battle both with Covid-19 and with his hospital for the right to be treated with ivermectin.
Pressley’s personal battle may be over, but his family and his lawyer want the world to know that they repeatedly asked Pressley’s hospital to treat him with the protocols formulated by the Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance. Those protocols included a proven, effective and safe drug called Ivermectin, along with Vitamin D, Zinc, ascorbic acid and methylprednisolone.
The battle to have Pressley treated with ivermectin and the FLCCC protocols was not a short one. Pressley’s family stood firm in seeking numerous alternatives to save him, including moving Pressley to a new hospital and continued demands for the right to treatment with Ivermectin. Attorney Lauren Martel, representing the Stutts family, made repeated demands to the hospital asking that he be treated according to the FLCCCA protocol. “We demand that Pressley Stutts be treated according to this medically-recognized treatment protocol, and that all such treatments be administrated to him immediately and continuously through his recovery,” wrote Lauren Martel to Pressley’s hospital…
In response, however, the hospital doctors and its attorney flatly refused to allow Pressley to be treated with ivermectin.
Lauren Martel had this to say, “Pressley fought hard for freedom, even for those who didn’t agree with him. Pressley has passed on to more magnificent heights where true freedom rings. Pressley stood for freedom; he would not want people being discriminated against whether vaccinated or unvaccinated. Pressley stood for freedom, and freedom includes the medical freedom of patients and doctors to make their own decisions about the best way to practice medicine and save lives.”
Martel wants people throughout South Carolina to know that the choice of treatment should rest on the patient and the treating physician, but that isn’t being allowed in many hospitals across the state. According to Martel’s information, the majority of physicians are enforcing the NIH COVID-19 protocol despite its high failure rate and the emergence of promising treatment alternatives, of which ivermectin is only one.
Early detection and treatment is the key to preventing hospitalization and bringing down mortality rates. Instead, says Martel, patients who test positive for COVID-19 are frequently being sent home to quarantine without any treatment whatsoever, and are told to do essentially nothing until they are so sick that they cannot stand it any longer. This pattern is recurring across the state and country, and in many cases patients are allowing the disease to progress so far before seeking further treatment that it is difficult to reverse the course of damage at that point.
Many doctors are resisting the prescription of low cost and effective treatments on the grounds that those treatments are not approved by the FDA for treatment of Covid-19. Off-label use of existing medications such as ivermectin is common in health care, however, and Martel says that there is more going on here than is obvious at first glance. Remdesivir, on the other hand, which is very expensive and shows little benefit in most studies, is being used, despite much less track record for safety than is held by ivermectin.
Other early treatment protocols appear to be making some headway. Monoclonal antibodies therapy for instance, may offer a 70-85% reduction hospitalization and death if used early enough, and is being promoted in Florida by Governor DeSantis. Monoclonal antibody therapy, however, is reserved for high risk outpatients with high blood pressure, obesity or over the age of 65. Potential long term side effects are unknown. Monoclonal antibodies are made by immunizing mice with an antigen, harvesting the B cells from the spleen of the mice. Then B cells are fused with cancer cells, myeloma tumor cells, to make hybridoma cells. Hybridoma cells are cultured in a special medium and the monoclonal antibodies are harvested from the culture.
visual graphic by Joshua Ellenberg
NIH COvid-19 guidelines for treatment of hospitalized high risk patients over the age of 12 encourages doctors to treat patients with Remdesivir an antiviral. This is currently the only FDA approved treatment for Covid19, even though Remdesivir was approved after just three trials through the Coronavirus Treatment Acceleration Program. Remdesivir is not recommended for patients with renal issues, and doctors debate whether it causes more harm than good. Remdesivir may shorten hospital stay, but studies indicate that it does not reduce mortality rate, nor reduce the need for ventilation. The World Health Organization, in fact, has conditionally recommended against the use of Remdesivir, citing lack of evidence to support its use.
The CDC and NIH are pushing vaccines as the best preventative care for Covid-19, even though data on the actual effectiveness of those vaccines and the need for boosters is still in dispute. Press reports indicate that despite double-vaccinations there are many “breakthrough” cases being reported. In South Carolina, reports indicate that as many as 130 fully vaccinated people have died. Vaccines are not a cure.
Martel says that the political fight has moved from masks and social distancing to mandatory vaccinations. Many are resisting those mandates, however, citing reasons ranging from religious beliefs to prior adverse reaction from a previous vaccine, the potential side effects and actual efficacy of vaccines, and the fact that many who previously had Covid-19 now carry natural antibodies that are proving in studies to be much more effective than the latest vaccines.
Many reports of injury and death from the vaccines have been reported to the national vaccine injury reporting system, including reports of anaphylaxis, myocarditis, pericarditis, thrombosis, and thrombocytopenia.
If fully vaccinated people are still getting sick from COVID variants, shouldn’t out medical system be looking for better and more effective treatments?
Martel is trying to tell the story of Pressley Stutts so that the public is better educated about the treatment alternatives and the safety issues involving vaccines.
Ivermectin has been used safely in humans for more than 30 years and FDA approved for human use. It was originally used as a broad antiparasitic, and considered a wonder drug, for its anti-inflammatory properties. In recent years it has shown promise as an antiviral to combat against Zika, yellow fever and Covid-19. Ivermectin has shown evidence of decreasing morbidity and the need for mechanical ventilation in thirty-one randomized controlled trials. Randomized controlled trials, were once the the gold standard for evaluating treatments and the effectiveness of treatments.
The governor of Paraguay issued the State of Alto Parana ivermectin who noted that the government of the state of Alto Parana had launched an ivermectin distribution under the guise, “de-worming” medicine to avoid conflict with the National Ministry of of Health. Data analyst: Jamie Chamie
Buyer Beware
The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act, enacted in January of 2020, provides liability immunity for manufacturers, distributors, program planners, licensed health professionals and the United States, against any claim of loss for vaccines now being pushed and perhaps soon made mandatory. Martel says that this legal immunity is another reason to be very concerned about the use of the rushed-through “vaccines,” which differ radically in nature from vaccines approved in the past.
Martel says that a number of state legislators, including Bill Chumley and Stewart Jones, have been very helpful in helping her investigate this matter and get the word out. She states that she also has received valuable assistance from the staff of Congressman Jeff Duncan.
Since Pressley Stutts was based in Greenville, The Standard reached out to Pressley’s own congressman, William Timmons, for comment. A spokesman for Timmons, however, stated, “He has no comment. He is not a doctor and hospitals are in the private sector. Complaints should be redirected to SCDHEC which is a federal entity.”
When this was mentioned to Pressley’s lawyer, Martel replied that she was very disappointed not to hear a more substantive response from Timmons, when Congressmen such as Duncan and Ralph Norman have been active in these issues.
Martel’s advice is to “Research, and talk with your doctor about the best treatment plan before you get too sick. Find out from your doctor and any potential hospital you may go to whether they will allow treatment with ivermectin and the full spectrum of medications suggested by the FLCCCA, which is found at their website Demand your right to the treatments you think best, and do not presume that your hospital or even your local doctor will provide it to you without investigating to be sure you can get it. Pressley Stutts left behind a wife, two sons, and grandchildren whom he dearly loved. Don’t take a chance at leaving your loved ones behind. Go to the FLCCCA website, educate yourself, and make sure that you and your loved ones receive the treatment you want, without restraint from political and other considerations.”
If you would like to make a donation to help the Stutts family, follow this link:
NOTE: The reporters at The Standard are not doctors, and this content is not intended to substitute professional medical advice, consultation, diagnosis, or treatment.
Evelyn Macleod served in the U.S. Army as a Medical Lab Tech, she has always had an inquisitive mind and willing to serve her great country. She enjoys arming good honest people with knowledge to take their country back. When she is not writing, she is reading and researching. “She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.” Please “like”, comment, share with a friend, and donate to support The Standard on this page. Become a Patron!
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