Man’s fallen nature is a universal truth.
Federalist Papers: No. 51 describes the Founder’s desire and understanding of governments and how if certain provisions aren’t made known, protective measures not codified that inevitably the usurpation of individual’s liberty, naturally those rights and liberties granted in the United States Constitution, will undoubtedly be forfeited to their government. That political power assuredly shifts into the bureaucracy of the government from the governed. This is a natural occurrence and an evergreen notion.
“If men were angels, no government would be necessary”
The author tells us that there is an unfortunate necessity for the need of government, due to man’s broken nature and propensity to unjustly use violence and those weaker than themselves. Understandably, our Founding Fathers feared and abhorred the idea that ‘men should govern men’ because they understood man’s corrupted nature, they found it of absolute necessity amongst anything else, to place as many restrictions against government’s ability to encroach on the liberties of its citizens.
With my limited understanding of the Constitution, Articles of Confederation, and the Federalist Papers, I’ve come to the conclusion that the separation of powers was of the utmost importance of our Founding Fathers. As my brother, Patrick Zell, once said ‘The Constitution established separate branches of government and enumerated their authorities, and was designed in a way that those branches of government would “guard jealously” those specific powers from the other branches encroaching on them’.
In other words, “Ambition must be made to counteract ambition” stated, Founding Father John Adams, the ambition of one branch of government MUST frustrate the ambitions of the others, with the constant vigilance and goal of protecting the rights of the citizenry. Without this separation, the government would surely become so drunk on power that it would unquestionably abuse its citizens. The abuses are all around us. “Different interests necessarily exist in different classes of citizens. If a majority be united by a common interest, the rights of the minority will be insecure.”
If we do not “guard jealously” our God-given freedoms and liberties and live up to the responsibilities therein, we will surely lose them. My friends and neighbors, regretfully, we are a pen stroke away from losing them!
Now are the last moments of opportunity to stand up, or we are likely to lose our nation as we know it! Our children and our nation deserve it.
Jeff Zell is a writer living in Sumter, SC.
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