In my past articles I have been examining the UN Charter. Lets pause and take a look at some of those who occupy the UN. Many of the organs of the UN are occupied by communists. Since the breakup of the Soviet Union many “new” countries , all ruled by communists who have re-branded themselves as Social Democrats or some other innocuous name, have joined the UN. Here are just a few.
Emblem of the United Nations
The United Nations Secretary-General is Antonio Guterres is a former Prime Minister of Portugal. He is also a former Vice-president of Socialist International. Before taking that post he was the UN High commissioner for refugees. He oversaw the mass migration of refugees that flooded Europe.
Michelle Bachelet is a former socialist president of Chile. She is a supporter of communist dictatorships. She is now the UN high commissioner for human rights.
Houlin Zhao is Secretary-General of the UN International Telecommunication Union. This union is trying to become the ruler of the internet. How did the UN get away with naming someone from one of the most restrictive governments in the world to such a post. China is actively censoring the internet and prosecuting people for what it deems hate speech on the internet.
Emblem of the Soviet Union
Li Yong is the UN Industrial Development Organization Director-General. This organizations influence is prominent in the UN Vision 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This organization supports and assists dictatorships such as Cuba and North Korea.
Alexandre Zouev is UN Assistant Secretary-General for Rule of Law And Security Institutions. He received training at the Moscow Institute for International Relations. This institute is run by the modern version of the KGB. He also served as this institutes Dean before going to the UN.
Yuri Fedotov is now the executive Director of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime. He was also trained at the same institute as Zouev. He also holds the office of under secretary-general of the UN. He has been active in the Soviet Foreign Service since the 1972.
Henriette Fore is Executive director of the UN Children’s Fund. She is a member of the globalist Committee on Foreign Relations as well as a trustee of the Aspen Institute and has served as co-chair of the Asia Society. As administrator of the US Agency for International Development she proudly took responsibility for quadrupling foreign aid.
Gro Harlem Bruntland is a former prime minister of Norway, former vice-president of the Socialist International and former director-general of the World Health Organization. She now spreads UN propaganda as deputy chair of The Elders which is a group of “elder statesmen” that includes Jimmy Carter, Desmond Tutu, former Mexican President Ermesto Zedillo, former Irish President Mary Robinson and former Chilean President Richard Lagos.
This is but a small list of the hundreds of Socialists, Marxists and communist that occupy the UN. Its time to defund and disband this organization before its too late for the US and the world.
Jim Steele is retired from the U.S. Air Force, a former defense contractor and small business owner. He is now retired and lives in South Carolina.