The Hydroxychloroquine treatment is working! In an exclusive interview, Dr. Vladimir Zelenko shares a preliminary study outlining that out of hundreds of patients treated, he has had ZERO deaths, ZERO intubations, and four hospitalizations. Dr. Zelenko breaks it down and gives a lucid explanation of the rationale behind his treatment.
Dr. Vladimir Zelenko combined two different treatment protocols using hydroxychloroquine. He also uses zinc with azithromycin. The reason for the zinc is that it inhibits the virus but it is hard to get inside the cell where it’s needed. The hydroxychloroquine acts as a channel to provide access for the zinc to become effective. The two work together synergistically to inhibit viral activity enough for the patient’s immune system to defeat the virus.
Dr. Vladimir Zelinko reports he has had 699 CV19 cures using Hydroxychloroquine treatment with zinc. He has had zero deaths, zero incubated and only 3 cases of pneumonia.
The azithromycin is to stop any opportunistic bacterial infections before they can get started. He says that if you are under sixty years old you are likely to be fine even without treatment. The cost of these drugs is only $20. This is a fascinating and optimistic interview and given that his protocol is 100% successful it needs to be publicized ASAP. There’s no reason to shut down the economy if there’s a cheap and effective treatment available.
The Deep State is doing all that they can do to block every easy solution that would be an alternative to creating tyranny.
Even though Hydroxychloroquine has been in use for decades, and all of its side effects are well known, The Deep State is still trying to allege that it is dangerous, or that it will not work. They do this in spite of the fact that President Trump is on video with the Head of the FDA promising to fast track the availability of Hydroxychloroquine. That video is below.
We have been astounded to learn that a few Democratic Governors have actually tried to abuse their authority by making threats, to prevent medical professionals from saving lives by using these medicines. In so doing these Democratic Governors are accepting the risk of criminal charges and civil suits that would be certain to be sought by the families of those who will die, or suffer, from these outlandish travesties.
At first it might be difficult to understand why the Deep State would be so desperate to block every easy solution that would be an alternative to creating tyranny. By itself, their lust for power should not be sufficient to motivate them to take such a risky path.
What is often not understood is that many of these swamp creatures are already guilty of enough crimes to send them to prison for life, or to the gas chamber. The risk of the consequences of failing to create tyranny is the real reason for this desperation.
It also seems that the whole Corona Virus scare is a hoax. There are many different Corona Viruses other than COVID-19. The testing that they are doing detects ANY Corona Virus. Large numbers of people will test positive for Corona Virus who do not have COVID-19. People die everyday for many different reasons. Every person who tests positive for any Corona Virus, and then dies for any reason, is being tabulated as a death from COVID-19.
As a public service please feel free to share and pass this article around to all venues.
John Perna is a retired chemist living near Columbia, SC. He received his BS in Biology and did graduate studies in Chemistry at the University of South Carolina. Perna served as Laboratory manager at Cardinal Chemical Company, SCA Services, GSX, and Laidlaw Environmental Services. He is a Lecturer, writes for The New American magazine, and is author of the book Answer to the Greatest Question. He is also owner of the Americanist Book Store. His website is targetfreedom.
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I knew this drug combination worked I’ve heard too many testimony’s of it working. It’s criminally negligent not to use it!!!!!
Been saying it and saying it and saying it everywhere I can. Hydroxychloroquine + Zinc + Azithromicin in Combo Kills Covid.
3 more relatively simple, cheap more natural cures also available:
1. Dr. Marc Siegel/Plasma 2. 3. Megadosing Vit. C intravenously.
You can research these for yourself at your convenience.
How come this bottle of 20sonly 20 when I pay a hundred or more for my medicine tell me where I can get the hydrochloric when pills please for 20