Arizona protesters outside Arizona State Capitol in Phoenix. Photo courtesy Rose Law Group Reporter
The audit in Arizona is proceeding but with great pushback and resistance. The left leaning media, Democrat politicians, complicit Republicans, and compromised election officials suggest that this is just one great conspiracy theory. However, this doesn’t ring true. Here is the true conspiracy theory. How did the most unpopular president since 1945 who campaigned out of his basement get elected with 80 Million votes? They all say that the allegation of election theft has been debunked, but no investigation has been done to debunk it and our judicial branch is not allowing the data to be presented on the merits in a court of law.
Mike Lindell with editor Michael Reed holding a copy of The Standard proclaiming Trump victory.
Recently Mike Lindell’s Absolute Proof series was released interviewing data scientists and cyber experts showing that not only were the battleground states hacked but all 50 states and 2,995 counties across the country were compromised. Sixty percent of intrusions originated from China. Cybersecurity experts tracked the data incursions in real time pre, during, and post-election. Perhaps they knew the steal was coming? They mapped the activity with lines going to and from the states.
Here is a quick video obtained from Lindell’s experts that shows the activity in South Carolina.
Specific county level data for South Carolina shows that data was accessed by servers out of the state and country:
- 4 are in Frankfurt Germany home of Akamai Tech (where Gina Haspel former director of the CIA was standing guard on election night)
- 1 goes to Cloudflare in London
- 4 go to Amazon in Ashburn VA
- 2 to Houston TX
- 2 to CA
- 1 to Iowa
- 1 to NJ
- 1 to Ok
- 18 to Unknown areas in US via various ISPs- one of which is Level 3 part owned by George Soros
According to famed General Thomas McInerny, “This was the most massive cyber warfare attack in world history!”
A separate forensic audit done by Allied Security Operations Group on Antrim County, MI showed vote flipping that resulted in a major change to the election night totals. They concluded that the results should not have been certified. Likewise, all server security logs prior to 11:03 pm on November 4, 2020 are missing. On November 21, 2020, an unauthorized user unsuccessfully attempted to zero out election results. This demonstrates additional tampering with data. You can read the full audit here.
Retired Lt. General Thomas McInerney.
When approached by concerned voters, Secretaries of State and election commissioners assure everyone that the system is “not online”—no modems, no internet connectivity, no wireless. However, any cybersecurity expert with integrity will tell you that these systems are clearly “online” and can be compromised quite easily.
Pollbooks used to check in voters are often connected to the internet. Remote access is allowed for technology fixes. The tabulation software and reporting software are also major areas of vulnerability.
Note that this is not just a “Dominion” problem. All 3 major election management systems (Dominion, ES&S, and Hart InterCivic) have similar architecture. SC uses ES&S as our system and spent over $51M recently to purchase the new system. We are also one of 9 states that use Scytl as our reporting system.
According to affidavits from Sidney Powell’s Supreme Court suit which never saw the light of day, (thank you, Supreme Court):
Attorney Sidney Powell
The SCYTL reporting software “does NOT merely encrypt/decrypt or interpret, but in essence, it takes direction from an algorithm within, which gives instructions. In other words, the outcome of tally is pre-programmed and or even accessible via the back door to run scripts to balance it. In other words, preprogramming the outcomes.”
Scytl is a major source of vulnerability. Votes are stored overseas in Scytl servers and can be changed and loaded at the county level. Their server in Frankfurt has malware that captures login credentials for every county and can access the county database and inject/change votes.
As you can see from the data above, we have enough evidence to suggest malfeasance and a breach of our national security. This chicanery and theft likely affected all down ballot races across the nation as well. This is a travesty that cannot go unanswered.
Our vote is our voice and our elections are a matter of national security. If we believe our officials are selected, not elected, we have devolved into a third world country and there is no incentive to vote.
Consequently, as audit results in Arizona, New Hampshire, and other states reveal the truth about the steal, we implore our South Carolina legislators and election officials to do the right thing and call for the following:
- Conduct a forensic audit of our 2020 primary and/or general election
- Make source codes available to an independent cryptographer/auditor- these are the scene of the crime
- Write and pass legislation that supports going to a system of maximum integrity
The only way to preserve our vote is to return to a paper ballot system with strict voter ID and fingerprint verification. Only then will our faith in the integrity of the voting system be restored.
Laura Scharr is a certified financial planner.
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Way to go Laura! Spot on!