Reading, writing and arithmetic, known as the 3 R’s, has long been the standard for primary education. These basics don’t seem to get as much attention today as they once did and our entire society suffers for it. Most parents agree that teaching deviant sexuality is not a subject for elementary schools to teach, but it is taking place far more often than most parents suspect.
It is a certain fact that the vast majority of parents of 50 years ago would not have tolerated teaching children about LGBTQP+ or other deviant sexuality—in or out of school. Is this “old fashioned”–believing in traditional values? It is hardly so.
Elementary school kids learning the basics of education in the 1960s. The name “elementary” is a giveaway as to what young students should be taught.
Of course, up until the mid-1960’s, we still taught Bible classes in American public schools, spoke prayers at football games and upheld God in school. Who could have been disturbed by prayers to God except a small percentage of atheists or Satanists? Those can believe what they choose if it doesn’t injure or damage others—like our kids—but they don’t have the right to force us to believe or abstain from our own belief system and values. Really, who made them king? Unfortunately, these minorities were allowed to take over our schools, remove God, destroy traditional prayer, and change the world for our most precious assets—our children!
The same thing is has surfaced again as the small minority of those practicing sexuality outside the normal have been working their way craftily into the schools to plant seeds in the minds of children, with or without their parents’ knowledge. LGBTQP+ is trying to make itself the “norm” and schools and children are their latest tools in the war.
This is what parents in Lexington felt as they gathered recently to express their anger over a lesson that brazenly pushed transgenderism into the minds of 5th graders at Midway Elementary School. The lesson was contained in an explicit “biography” of a 14-year-old boy-turned-girl that ran in TIMEforKids.
TIMEforKids cover photo of transgender advocate.
“To what lengths will our society allow the smallest minorities to go to rob even our children from us”, these parents asked as they gathered for a protest there.
The School and District Response
Midway School principal Jan Fickling sent out a memo to parents of the school to address the concerns expressed through the protest rally over the TIMEforKids article and lesson at the school. In that letter she said the lesson took place last March. She was clear in stating that the lesson ‘was not a planned event’ for the students or part of current curriculum.
The assignment was made during a “free-reading time,” the memo said and continued stating that TIMEforKids and the topic—transgenderism– ”are not part of our fifth grade social studies curriculum…(but) is only a support material.”
The TIMEforKids article is talking about transgender activism. The question arises, what lesson is the school material supporting?
Don’t teachers Preview what they teach?
We asked the question to current and retired public school teachers to get their response on any materials introduced into the classroom and to the student regardless of content. Their response was overwhelmingly in the affirmative.
Retired public school teacher Johnnelle Raines, taught for 30 years and attained a Master’s Degree in Early Childhood Education, is a Board member of Parents in Education, and contributor to The Standard, responded when asked if teachers do or should review resource materials. She said “Yes, they should review anything they use for a resource.” She added “That’s really malpractice if you just introduce a resource without previewing it. That’s completely unprofessional.”
Raines went on to say that “when a teacher doesn’t preview what they are ready to allow children to watch or view that’s the same as a doctor giving you medicine without knowing the side effects.” She added that “irreparable damage can be occur.”
Pam Kelly, a teacher retired after 38 years in the classroom, wrote The Standard and said, “LGBTQP issues and beliefs should NOT be taught in school! It is inappropriate and wrong.”
Another retired teacher with 38 years in the classroom, named Randy, wrote The Standard saying he is “the parent of a grown daughter and two grandsons”. He stated that as a teacher he finds the idea of teaching LGBTQP materials in school “not only inappropriate but also harmful to the psyche of the students being subjected to it.”
Ms. Fickling said that the teacher immediately stopped using the article, that it was not used in other classes and she apologized to concerned parents.
Spokes person Mary Beth Hill of the school district said that there is no “planned curriculum for the schools including materials on transgenderism or LGBTQP+ topics.” All curriculum, she stated, is set by the South Carolina Department of Education.
Department of Education spokesman Ryan Brown states that there are no policies regarding the teaching of transgenderism/LGBTQP+ in schools across the state. He also said though that the state’s curriculum-setting only includes basic areas to be taught and does not detail “how you have to teach them,” leaving some leeway on methods and specific topics covered.
There is no policy prohibiting the teaching of transgenderism, according to Brown. In fact, a 1980’s statewide law banning the teaching of LGBTQP issues as part of the general Health Curriculum covering sexuality for 5th graders regarding sexually-transmitted disease was overturned in 2018 by the U. S. Supreme Court, Brown stated. That means that as part of the general sexuality training done in the South Carolina Public Schools, the federal government has, by court order, REQUIRED that deviant sexuality must be included in those courses under the area of sexually-transmitted diseases.
“…the federal government has, by court order, REQUIRED that deviant sexuality must be included in those courses under the area of sexually-transmitted diseases.”
The general sexuality training in 5th grade is held in separate classrooms for boys and girls, according to the school district, and parents can opt their child out of these lessons if desired.
Growing Concerns for All Parents—and the Country
While South Carolina schools and Lexington County School Districts may not have specific requirements at this time that would place invasive materials promoting or “okaying” transgenderism into the hands of school children, it is clear that it CAN happen, just as it did at Midway Elementary School in a class of 5th graders. It may not always be specifically approved by school standards. Even so, it occurs. While teachers may be expected to screen all materials for their children’s use, this may not always occur.
In addition, the Federal government through the U. S. Supreme Court has made a requirement that issues of LGBTQP+ must be included in the sexuality (“puberty”) training of students in public schools when discussing sexually-transmitted diseases (like AIDS). Obviously, then, if you want your children to not hear about this, you are out of luck. Just as children who complained that prayers made them feel “pressured” if they did not participate in schools, children whose parents would pull them out of sexuality training class will feel “pressured” to participate with other children or face being bullied for not going along.
Do you want your child to become a transgender and will lessons in school promote this? As time goes forward, lobbying by small but vocal political activists continues to erode the traditional morality taught by most parents, often in “sneaky” ways like sliding “extra resource readings” into their children’s educations. LGBTQP+ ism will become increasing “normal,” and the place to begin these “lessons in life” is with the youngest children in this subversive war against American families.
By their own statements, one pro-LGBTQP group said in 2019 that of the 16% of students in high school in 2017 who seriously considered committing suicide for all reasons, nearly half of them (43%) were LGBTQP students (See “Conversion Therapy for Kids Might be on its Way Out in NC. Here’s why,” The Charlotte Observer, April 21, 2019). As the number of high schools students overall who are LGBTQP is much smaller than this, it seems that being LGBTQP makes it much more likely that a child or youth will experience psychological issues and may, in fact, harm themselves. If transgenderism becomes more normal, it appears that more problems for children will arise.
Michael Reed is Editor and Publisher of The Standard newspaper, print and online, and TheStandardSC YouTube channel where many video reports may be found. Please share freely and donate to The Standard on this page to assure the continued availability of news that is too often ignored by the dominant media.
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