Contending for the faith is fighting for your belief and value system. One system will win. Photo courtesy Trend loops.
We have been silent for way too long! To many people have allowed, participated in and perpetuated a lie in our state and country to not only our shame, but to our hurt!
It is apparent to anybody with half a brain that this heavenly kingdom we call America is sliding off the ledge into the abyss of evil communism and satanism quicker than we can imagine. And it’s not like we weren’t aware it was going to happen! We have been forewarned for millennia in Bible prophecy, even George Orwell told us in his book 1984!
Just know that Nobody is coming to dig us out of the hole we have dug for ourselves. People will complain ‘Where are the conservatives and Christian’s’? Where are everyday folk who care about our community and not looking for government or somebody else to fix it?
Lots of people talk about protecting children but where are they when child lives are being destroyed by transgender confusion, drag queen shows on Main Street, drag queen story time in libraries, school teachers promoting transgender to students and hiding the information from parents, and the rest of the LGBTQP agenda? The same ones who promote this perversion are the same ones who promote free sex, pornography, and abortion on demand? Aren’t these the tenets of witchcraft?
This includes boys allowed to use girls bathrooms, men and boys in girls sports, and other evil designs of perversion and endangerment of girls and women. I’m hearing stories of girls who don’t even want to go to the school bathroom because of the fear of boys dressed like girls being in the girls bathroom! This is a state of confusion being created by sons of the devil! This is wrong!
And all those who allow this to happen without speaking up, standing against it, and taking action to stop it compromise themselves by condoning it! State legislators, school principals, teachers, pastors and all who refuse to address the evil, who refuse to stand against it and fight it, you actually condone and promote it because you won’t fight against it! Unfortunately, You’re part of the problem if you allow it without taking action to stop it!
Stop condoning confusion and participating in a lie! Examples include, on Easter Sunday in Los Angeles a drag queen show was held to mock Christians, Supreme Court nominees somehow can’t define what a woman is, and more.
18th century statesman Edmund Burke said “The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.” 20th century Prime Minister Winston Churchill said “…if you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.”
Where are the men? Too many men have been effeminized into weak replicas of what should be strong men. Too many men have been perverted into becoming false renditions of women running around with makeup and high heels! Too many men, and women, have allowed aberrant or perverted behavior at home, school and church without saying or doing anything to prevent it! Too many have bought into the lie! What kind of perverted nightmare have we allowed to be birthed and grow?
When will girls and women, boys and men have enough of this garbage and say, “Get the hell out!” One young woman is speaking out against it publicly, but where are the rest of the athletes and those in authority?
Because of this perversion throughout society we have opened ourselves up to attack by our enemies and abandonment by our allies around the world. China, Russia, Iran and other nations who already had us in their cross-hairs now see opportunity they never had. China has been waging economic, cultural and scholastic warfare for years. Our allies are now jumping ship wherever they see they can save themselves from the noose of perversion and disaster.
Part of what we are seeing throughout America is the result of their demonic indoctrination and destruction of our society. The introduction of pornography, perverted and aberrant behavior targeted at the conscience of isolated young men, boys and girls, was a tactic used on America by our enemies. How better to prevent your enemy from defending themselves than to effeminize their men and destroy their manhood?
Interestingly, the US Military adopted the plan and it’s being carried out by traitors to the United States who have been elevated into leadership of the armed forces. These traitors promote the trans and LGBTQP agenda knowing full well that this is how you destroy military cohesion and a will to win. Military readiness studies prove this fact.
School boards allow the perversion so as not to “discriminate”. But what they don’t care a hoot or holler about is the vast majority of citizens they do discriminate against who adhere to the moral values that made America great and hold what’s left of our society together.
A local Lexington town council race even has a man running for the office who claims to have a “husband”! This is perversion! What does his vision for a city include? Will it include relaxed moral laws and more of what he participates in? Has Lexington become so “enlightened” as to throw out any moral compass they once had! Where is the church? Where are Christians? Where are any with a moral compass to speak against open perversion in the public square?
It is said that Nero played his violin while Rome burned. Are we in SC, America and Lexington County actually doing the likewise by refusing to say or do anything to prevent the destruction of our culture, our state, nation, town and home?
When a perverse Supreme Court ruling allowed the removal of the Bible, prayer and God from public schools we started on the slippery slope to destruction 60 years ago. What we see today was hidden under cover of darkness then.
Do we think that was a coincidence? Absolutely not! It was the power, light and authority of the Biblical truth in government and society that kept the perversion from slithering out into the open. Righteousness is the only thing that will get the evil genie back into the bottle. Again, where are the church, pastor’s and Christian’s demanding it?
The Bible says, “Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD”. Psalm 33:12 We also know the opposite is true, that ‘cursed is the nation whose god is not the LORD.’
It is time that we do as Jude writes in his brief book, and “… earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.” Jude 1:3. You can be sure that all those of another belief system will be contending to promote their perversion.
Michael Reed is Publisher of The Standard newspaper, print and online. You may find our videos available on Rumble. The bulk of TheStandardSC video media channel has been censored by dominant social media groups like YouTube. YouTube, owed by Alphabet (Google), removed and destroyed all of our video work without permission or remuneration. That has stopped all potential donations from our many supporters on that venue. If you want to continue to see independent thought and reports please “like”, comment, share with a friend, and donate to support The Standard on this page to assure the continued availability of news that is ignored too often by the dominant media.