With the removal of all U.S. military forces in Afghanistan last year, the country was left with what became a humanitarian crisis because Afghan Taliban and war lords chose to make life unbearable for many of that nation’s citizens through use of genocide, terror, aggressive bullying and violence.
Most of us saw the sad situation that was orchestrated under the then-new Biden Administration. U.S. citizens reeled at the violence and fear spread across the world by American and world news stations and news media.
Because the pull-out was done so haphazardly and nearly over night, the level of human suffering—including American soldiers killed—was shocking.
With real and imagined threats especially to Afghanis who had aided Americans in their tasks there, the number of those Afghan nationals who tried to board U.S. troop transports, herded in like cattle, was large. In the end, 2.2 million Afghanis left their home country out of fear of what the Taliban would do. Many things did change—like the Administration of Kabul University, for example, whose logo on-line for a time showed splashed with blood. Women’s roles in the nation would revert to much less freedom.
Afghanis in America
While 85% of Afghanis settled in Iran and Pakistan (both countries known for extremism), a large number have made their way into the U.S. to be “resettled” mainly in cities across the nation, amounting to at least 70,000 Afghanis coming in roughly by the end of 2021.
In South Carolina, those cities include Charleston, Columbia, Greenville and Spartanburg. Around 400 total Afghanis are expected to be resettled in South Carolina. The Charleston Post & Courier reported they arrive from one to 50 a day; they are greeted and assisted by groups of primarily volunteer church “helpers” who see that they are met and taken to places for housing and primary needs to be met.
In August last year The Post and Courier reported:
Bedrija Jazic, director of Refugee and Immigrant Services for Lutheran Services Carolinas, which is one of two nonprofits primarily involved in refugee resettlements in the state, said a family of six arrived in the Columbia area a week or two ago.
A separate family of five that recently arrived is at Fort Lee in Virginia going through processing, including for medical needs and COVID-19 screenings, ahead of being resettled in South Carolina, she added.
The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported that the Biden administration has relocated more than 1,000 Afghans in the St. Louis, Missouri area alone. In February 1,000 Afghan refugees were dropped in a compound next to a Loudoun County high school and middle school, with no communication to local authorities!
Loudoun County, Virginia, Sheriff Mike Chapman was informed in a drop-by visit of the Department of Homeland Security that approximately 2,000 Afghans per month would be dropped into his county between February and September this year. The Sheriff expressed concerns about “DHS’ lack of communication, lack of planning, language barriers, a failure to communicate with a myriad of potential stakeholders, and the NCC’s [National Conference Center’s] unfenced proximity to a residential neighborhood and two public schools.” While it was claimed that many of the Afghans had served as translators, it was found that only around 30% actually spoke English.
Already Afghan refugees have been guilty and convicted of sexual misconduct and crimes. At Quantico Marine Corps Base an Afghan sexually abused a three-year old girl stating that his behavior was “acceptable” in his country. In New Mexico Afghan refugees sexually assaulted a woman shortly after being dropped there. In Texas, Afghani refugees sexually assaulted another woman. In Montana a teenaged girl was sexually assaulted. In Wisconsin a woman assisting with resettlement of Afghan refugees was sexually assaulted by an Afghan man. The World Health Organization reports that 90% of Afghani women have suffered physical abuse with 62% having been sexually abused.
This is just the beginning of the mass exodus of Afghan refugees into the United States, with many thousands more to come. And then who next? What foreign country will the Biden administration open up America’s heartland doors to and how many more then? Does anybody remember the Syrian and other Islamic “refugees” that were dumped into the United States under the Obama regime? Thousands upon thousands of people who are not only foreign to this country, but their culture, habits and religious beliefs put them at serious odds with the American people and our culture. Why not assimilate these people into a country with similar values, habits and culture?
In 2014, it was found that of all refugees Afghani men were the most likely to commit sexual assaults on women. Europe discovered this alarming trend several years ago while dealing with refugees and many European nations quickly stopped accepting the refugees. So, why does America have to import them here considering their roving gang style inability to restrain their natural urges—called gang rape—on unsuspecting women in public? Is this really what we want to heap on American mothers, wives, sisters, and daughters?
To say this is a planned invasion by the blue hats is definitely plausible and perhaps easily proven. That does not even speak to the Southern border of the US and the Biden Administration’s plan to open up the porous border even more. And this after more than two million illegal invaders crossed the border in 2021!
Closer to home USAID funds being administered through the South Carolina Department of Social Services are shared with several religious and non-profit agencies—primarily Lutheran Services Carolinas (Columbia and Charleston), World Relief Upstate south Carolina (Greenville), Catholic and Jewish Social services, and others.
Under Biden, the U.S. Afghani Resettlement Program funding was approved last December totaling $7 BILLION. As early as last September, before the pull-out concluded on September 11, an amount of $2,275 was allotted to each refugee for aid. Over the past seven months, refugees have steadily streamed in and been placed into various housing and job arrangements.
Concerns Among Conservatives
District 4 candidate Michael LaPierre. Photo TheStandardSC.org.
A number of Conservative political leaders feel that the Afghani Resettlement Program is not in the best interest of American citizens—for several important reasons.
Among others questioning Biden’s program is Michael LaPierre, Republican Candidate for 4th District U.S. Congress, who identifies as a “conservative Christian.” LaPierre believes that there is danger to South Carolinians from the resettlement program.
“We already have an insurrection at our Southern US borders with many flowing across without proper controls,” said LaPierre. “We live in a very unsafe time now for U.S. citizens… it’s scary.”
LaPierre goes on to raise questions about the “vetting process” for the Afghani refugees. “They are being ‘rushed through’ by the Biden administration without properly checking backgrounds, who they are, where they came from, or what their records were in their country,” he added. “We simply do not have the proper screening process for refugees coming in. This leaves us open to anything from terrorists to criminals.”
LaPierre states he would recommend that if vetting cannot be properly done, “I think the program actually needs a 5-year moratorium on the resettling of all Afghani nationals, especially here in South Carolina where our citizens come first.”
The Post & Courier reported that some believe a faster track for allowing green cards for Afghani refugees is needed, many conservatives would disagree. After they become permanent residents, these refugees can then sponsor other Afghanis to settle here—a frightening thought for conservative politicians.
Hilton Head attorney and candidate for Attorney General Lauren Martel. Photo TheStandardSC.
Hilton Head attorney Lauren Martel is a conservative Republican running for S.C. Attorney General in the June primary against incumbent Alan Wilson. She has been involved in legal actions in Charleston, including reclaiming heritage sites. Martel said she is uncomfortable with illegal immigration under the guise of “compassionate” refugee programs. She says, “they are not at all compassionate but dangerous.”
“It’s against the law to manipulate the refugee program to fast track people, unvetted and coming in against public health and safety laws.” Martel continued that the program will “overburden local resources and law enforcement, including public health, public safety and local education so as to cause irreparable harm to the state of SC.”
Martel says refugees will “fundamentally change the local community, which cannot afford this program, even if it had integrity.” She went on to say that “State funds and county funds will be used at some point and the burden will fall mostly on the State of South Carolina tax payers.”
The Attorney General candidate added that “this will bring the possibility of imminent tax increases for roads and infrastructure, and Inflation of food, housing and gas increases in SC.” Martel said that the Biden Administration refugee plan will cause “irreparable damage if not stopped.” She added that “Allowing one case to come into South Carolina where a terror attack happens is Irreparable.”
“This is a clear and present danger that the Attorney General should seek to prevent by bringing a lawsuit to stop this program. The public has a legitimate and immediate concern over the direct damage this refugee program is causing,” said Martel. “The incumbent’s own father unilaterally stopped refugees in Cayce, SC years ago, and the exact logic used back then is true today.” She said, “it appears Wilson has no political will presently to stand and protect the SC taxpayers!”
Others are questioning the current refugee resettlement including candidates for office. Let me hear your thoughts.
EDITED 4-16-22
Michael Reed is Publisher of The Standard newspaper, print and online, and TheStandardSC YouTube channel where many video reports may be found. Please share freely and donate to The Standard on this page to assure the continued availability of news that is ignored too often by the dominant media.
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