Over 120 conservatives from around the upstate filled a large dining room at the Crowne Plaza in Greenville, SC, to hear pro-Liberty anti-Communist speaker Trevor Loudon speak on the dangers and reality of communism that is already wreaking havoc in the United States Congress and government agencies. Loudon was in Greenville at the behest of the John Birch Society (JBS) organization. The JBS is a strong anti-communist nationwide organization. In SC it is led by Field Coordinator Evan Mulch.

Author and anti-Communist Trevor Loudon spoke at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Greenville to a packed house Friday evening.

Loudon spoke on the reality of communism being practiced in the US throughout governmental agencies. Those agents having been largely put in place by the Obama administration over an eight year period.

He spoke of the tough time Americans are currently facing during a wild year of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) virus and cooperating state governors who have implemented communist style policies throughout the country, including Gov. Henry McMaster here in SC. Loudon said Republican legislators need to implement strict anti-fraud laws stating “that will put the Democrats out of power for twenty to thirty years.”

Loudon has spent the last thirty years learning about communist activity within the United States and educating all who would listen. He spouted off the names of government agencies and congressmen who were and are enemies of the Republic.

The pro-Liberty speaker pointed out that communists in the US Congress have undermined America. He named the late communist Congressman John Conyers who had the House unAmerican Activies Committee removed. He also mentioned that SC Congressman James Clyburn had met with communist dictator Fidel Castro to normalize relations between the US and Cuba.

SC Congressman James Clyburn

He said the ‘deep state’ goes way beyond what most people think. He then mentioned 15 term Congressman Jerry Nadler, D-NY, as Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee and how he has obstructed Republican led probes into corruption in the FBI and Justice Department.

Loudon commented that “right now is a very tough time for Americans” but “how tough was it for the patriots who founded this country?” He said that the founding patriots of America were only “armed with squirrel rifles up against the world’s greatest military empire. How insane were they folks? How crazy were they to even try? And all they had was this ‘stupid idea’ that their rights came from God, not from the government.”

The native New Zealander, said that Marxists are running many US government agencies and that one fifth of US congressmen are Marxists. Loudon also said that former Vice President Joe Biden’s political career was fostered by Soviet communist agent Leo Szilard’s Council for a Livable World, a communist organization associated with Soviet agent Armand Hammer, whose father was founder of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA), and Al Gore, Sr.


Anti-Communist Trevor Loudon spoke with The Standard publisher Michael Reed in Greenville.


Loudon told also of Biden’s Chinese communist connection with CCP Xi Jinping and a recent $1.5 billion dollar bribe to do the bidding of the Chinese premier. The prolific writer and book author said that Biden is doing work since first elected to the senate to defund and destroy the US military. Biden is supported by communists. He went on to say in no uncertain terms that “Joe Biden is a complete and utter traitor! He’s a criminal.”

He also told the history of the old world where men had been ruled by kings for eons and pointed out the fact that nobody had ever had the power or the will power to fight against what seemed insurmountable odds as America’s patriot fathers had done. Loudon said that “nobody had ever done that before. For thousands of years it had always been the divine right of kings… that revolution [1776] was fought over religious liberty!”

Loudon said the founding patriots had zeal for their cause and its leader George Washington prayed. He said they “changed human history.” He followed by asking “can you imagine the horrible place this world would have been for the last 200 years without America?”

He said “look at what your ancestors gave you and what you’ve got to do to preserve this great Republic.” Loudon praised the JBS members for working, writing checks, going to council meetings and more year after year, all because you love your country and your kids.”

“This is the time you must hang strong and dig deep and deeper. This Republic must be preserved… I don’t think that’s too much to ask. By doubling down in these next two years it will have more impact on your children’s future than ever in history. This will decide if your kids live free or in slavery. It’s that stark!”


“This Republic must be preserved… I don’t think that’s too much to ask.” — Trevor Loudon


He said “if we slack off we only have ourselves to blame if we lose this. But if you double down and dig deep for your God, your country and your children, and give it everything you’ve got for your country over the next two years, two things may happen.” With a slight crack in his voice with emotion Loudon said, “maybe we still lose, but at least you will have earned the right to look your children in the eye and say, ‘I did everything I possibly could do for you.” He then paused and looked at the crowd asking, “Is that worth anything?”

Patriots of ’76 were dedicated

“If Trump wins this election, you’ll see cheers of encouragement from every freedom loving people around the world, and start an economic and liberty boom like you’ve never seen. Not just here. Don’t you think the French want to be free? The Australians want to be free? And the Chinese want to be free? You will encourage them to throw off their dictators. You’ll start a liberty boom like you’ve never seen and you’ll set the stage for a revival in this country like we haven’t seen for a very long time”

“We are in a time just like the first revolution.” He said “I’m asking you to give everything you can to preserve this republic so that your children and grandchildren can live in liberty. Is any sacrifice too great for that.”

“Hang tough, and give it everything we have… no guarantees, but a chance for victory.” Loudon acknowledged that “I’m grateful to share the benefits of your country, to live in a country that values freedom, that’s done more to lift people out of poverty than anywhere else, that’s saved more lives than any other country, done more to spread the gospel than any other country, that’s built more churches and hospitals than any other country, that’s done more good than any other country.”

“Is it worth the sacrifice for what we may gain for our children and grandchildren?” The enthusiastic crowd answered with a resounding, yes.

“We have a great opportunity before us,” said Loudon. He concluded that “God is not finished with this country yet folks… There is a chance for victory.” He said that “the last best hope is America.”


Michael Reed is Editor of The Standard


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