Lanneau Siegling (center) being sworn in as Lexington County Executive Committeeman, while newly elected Lexington Party Chairman Pamela Godwin holds Bible and District 85 House Rep. Jay Kilmartin issues oath of office.


Conservatives in Lexington County swept elections for Republican Party leadership on Saturday, April 22 in elections held at Lexington High School cafeteria. In that vote County Party officials hosted 256 Precinct delegates who participated in the Reorganization election process.

America First SaveSC candidates were elected by precinct delegates for GOP County Officers in a landslide. That victory included election by acclamation of County Party Grassroots Director Pamela Godwin. She was elected as Chairwoman when her lone opponent, former State Rep. Todd Atwater, withdrew from the race. Incumbent Chairman Craig Caldwell did not seek re-election.

Every County Party official was elected by over 70% of the vote, including: re-election of retired General Lanneau Siegling as Executive Committeeman, retired businessman Mark Weber as 1st Vice Chairman, local businessmen Richard Gehling as 2nd Vice Chairman and businessman John Allen as 3rd Vice Chairman. Local writer and historian Leisha Huffstetler was selected as State Credentialing Chairwoman.

During the convention, a vote was also tallied for delegate representative to the Republican State Convention on May 20. Out of 51 delegate slots available for Lexington County to the State GOP Convention, the SaveSC slate received 51 delegate wins—a complete sweep of every delegate slot! These delegates bumped elected representatives who had served as delegates for many years.

Godwin said following her election, “I am excited for our team to embark on a new journey in our Lexington County Republican Party.” She noted “we will continue to grow as a County Party and step up the communication to the public.”

“We have a strong story to share about our accomplishments over the past two years and I am excited that we are now reflected in all countywide offices.” Godwin added “we are putting South Carolina elected officials on notice: we urge Republicans to follow the Republican Party platform in their votes and actions.”

Preston Baines, a Chapin-area precinct Executive Committeeman and columnist for The Standard newspaper, received the most votes as a delegate. He stated that “I didn’t even know if I would be elected at all for delegate but receiving the most votes in Lexington County is something I can’t explain and I am grateful to the convention delegates for putting their trust in me.”

The Lexington County totals come as many counties around the state produced similar results. Godwin and the newly elected Lexington County Party leadership team begin their two-year term immediately. They will preside over their first meeting Monday, May 1st at 6:30pm at the Greater Lexington Chamber of Commerce.

The State GOP Convention will take place on Saturday, May 20 at River Bluff High School in Lexington at 9am. At the State Convention, Republican County Delegates from all 46 counties will elect state party leadership.


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