Joe Biden says Republicans stonewalling on raising debt risks US default. Photo courtesy Dhaka Tribune.
The current National Debt is $29,000,000,000,000! that’s $29 Trillion dollars!
Last week the current occupant of the White House Joe Biden called on Congress to “raise the debt limit” just before claiming that the Republicans in the Congress are “reckless and dangerous”.
He continued that “Raising the debt limit comes down to paying what we already owe, what has already been acquired — not anything new. It starts with a simple truth: The United States is a nation that pays its bills and always has. From its inception, we have never defaulted.”
Some basic understanding of debt is needed to see how ludicrous his statements are. First off we could define being ‘reckless and dangerous’ as raising the debt ceiling to allow more debt. Raise the debt limit does not mean to pay for what we already owe, but what the Congress wants to spend including interest to foreign central banks! The following is an example lifted from an accountant friend who posted it on the internet:
Lesson #1:
* U.S. Tax revenue: $2,170,000,000,000
* Federal budget: $3,820,000,000,000
* New debt: $1,650,000,000,000
* National Debt: $29,271,000,000,000
* Recent Budget Cuts: $38,500,000,000
Let’s now remove 8 zeros and pretend it’s a household budget:
* Annual family income: $21,700
* Money the family spent: $38,200
* New debt on the credit card: $16,500
* Outstanding balance on the credit card: $292,710
* Total budget cuts so far: $385
Got It??? Does this make more sense now that it’s on a family budget level?
Lesson #2:
Here’s another way to look at the Debt Ceiling:
Let’s say, You come home from work and find there has been a sewer backup in your neighborhood… and your home has sewage all the way up to your ceilings.
What do you think you should do? Raise the ceilings, or pump out the crap?
The Standard has written about our national debt situation before. We wrote last April that the National Debt at that time was a staggering $25,000,000,000,000 dollars! That’s $25 trillion dollars! Nobody reading this can imagine 25 trillion of anything much less dollars.
So, How Big is One Trillion?
In the U.S., one trillion is written as the number “1” followed by 12 zeros (1,000,000,000,000). One year of clock time =
(60sec/min) x (60 min/hr) x (24 hr/da) x (365.25 da) = 3.16 x 107 sec
One trillion seconds of ordinary clock time =
( 1012 sec)/( 3.16 x 107 sec/yr) = 31,546 years!
Twenty nine trillion seconds equals 914,834 years!
Note also that there are nearly six trillion miles in the light-year or the distance light from the sun travels in one year.
A bathtub full of sand.
Let’s look at the debt this way, thinking about something the size of which we can understand might be easier. How about soda bottles or bathtubs? Just for understanding, one (1) trillion grains of sand would fill up 65,450 2-Liter soda bottles or about 131 bathtubs. Simple math will let us see that if we have 29 times that volume we arrive at: 1,898,050 2 Liter soda bottles full of sand or 3,799 bathtubs full of sand. And mind you, we are talking about individual grains of sand in comparison to dollars.
That’s just talking about sand! The National Debt is talking about dollars we have to work for and the time it takes to do that!! We’re talking about slavery for future generations coming for your children and grandchildren if this debt is not rectified. And you can be sure that it won’t be the children of those who currently hold power in government! Can you think of whose children and grands it might affect?
Should we be concerned?
Is there any wonder that politicians in Washington are concerned?
Let’s get this straight. This $29,000,000,000,000 is the budget reality Americans face now! That’ up $4 trillion dollars since last April and Biden wants to make it larger! That is over $85,000 dollars for every man, woman and child in the United States! This will go on as long as those who preside over this financial disaster, which they created themselves for you and me to pay, continue to make the same budget decisions they have made in the past.
If you run your family financial budget the same way the Congress runs the federal budget our country’s financial budget—and National Debt—we will continue to grow, we will continue to lose ground, and we will continue to become more reliant on creditors like China every year. By the way, China is buying up American land because of the deals Congressmen have made with them to have a free hand at buying America as collateral on the debt.
China buying up US debt, resources and land at an alarming rate.
At this rate China will own the US based on collateral payment alone! Is it any wonder they launched the CCP Virus on the US to remove patriotic Americans? Is it any wonder why there is a forced vaccine mandate on the table? For China to easily take control of the US, red blooded Americans have to be controlled or removed!
America has been betrayed by those we have elected to run the affairs of our country. Most of these “stewards” we elected have forgotten the people and decided they want to serve themselves. This is to our shame and hurt. That’s why when they are elected they may be humble, but become multimillionaires after they become congressmen. Have you ever wondered about how that happens?
Can We Wait Until the Next Election?
Many say your choice is coming in November 2022. I say falderol!
Unless forensic audits are performed in every state, current electronic voting machines removed, a process for local citizens to hand count local ballots is re-established, the November 2020 election is recalculated and recertified, there will never be another honest election in this country—None, Ever! Without an election tabulation you can trust you must accept the results you are told to trust by machines that are programmed with a result already planned.
Based on conversations, viewed election tabulations, recount witnesses, personal observation of electronic voting irregularities, etc., it is my opinion that most people in this country do not accept the outcome of the election November 2020. Without trust in the electoral process the people won’t vote unless forced to vote. That’s why there is forced voting in Communist countries, because otherwise the people would not waste their time to go vote in elections where the outcome is already determined by the Commies! And that’s also why Big Tech social media groups like FaceBook and others censor and remove opinions and facts they don’t like and don’t want Americans to see or think about.
It’s your country. If you want to keep it you better take action to bring honesty and integrity back to our elections! Don’t listen to the rhetoric of politicians, look at the actions taken. Be wise. Otherwise, welcome to the brave new world! It’s up to you to fix it!
Michael Reed is Editor and Publisher of The Standard newspaper, print and online, and TheStandardSC YouTube channel where many video reports may be found. Please share freely and donate to The Standard on this page to assure the continued availability of news that is ignored too often by the dominant media.
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