One of the thousands of Canadian citizens calling for the vaccine mandates to stop. Eyes around the world are on Canada and how they lead citizens to liberty.
In an unprecedented move Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau just suspended the Canadian House of Commons of parliament “until further notice” on Friday. This is the first time this has happened in Canadian history. Some have called Trudeau’s behavior a “new low” for Canada as he even accuses opponents of being NAZIs.
Trudeau’s action comes as members of the conservative faction of Parliament are exploring the legitimacy of his use of the “Emergency Measures Act”. To maintain the trust of the citizens, the Emergency Act must pass legal muster for application and enforcement. But, instead of the typical debate among elected representatives of the people, the duly elected parliament was not even allowed in the chamber Friday of the parliament to meet due to the shutout.
The timing of the suspension tips the hand of Trudeau as he appears to be making power grab moves at total dictatorship. Evidence is the suspension of parliament itself, typical in Communist block countries, but unheard of in western democracies where liberty typically abounds.
Canada’s Justice Minister David Lametti told truckers and Trump supporters donating to the trucker protest, ‘You should be worried’.
Truck protest leader Tamara Lich arrested.
But, more than that, this week Trudeau ordered the seizure of bank accounts of Canadian citizens and arrested the truck convoy leaders charging them with “mischief”. Canada’s Justice Minister David Lametti told truckers and Trump supporters donating to the trucker protest, ‘You should be worried’.
In recent days Trudeau has suspended the right of free movement by citizens in Ottawa, ordered the arrest of people giving food and fuel to anyone in Ottawa thus seeking to either freeze to death or ‘starve out’ the truckers, stolen trucker fuel, and threatened to suspend individual and company trucking licenses of those who either support or participate in the protest. Additionally, he has pressed citizens into forced service to assist police. Canada and the Canadian Prime Minister are looking more like Hitler’s NAZI Germany every day. Trudeau accused Jewish conservative members of the House of Commons of standing with NAZIs. To date the truckers have been peaceful.
Trudeau and his liberal government have twisted statements and action of the truckers around to make them look and appear poorly in the light of public opinion. That scenario twisting includes claiming that the truckers are racists, white supremacists, dangerous, fly NAZI flags (this was a false flag), abusing children and making aggressive threats against their fellow Canadians. From all appearances, videos and eye witness reports, nothing could be further from the truth.
“Never waste the opportunity offered by a good crisis.” -— Niccolo Machiavelli
Machiavelli’s words above, were usurped by former Barack Obama chief of staff Rahm Emanuel during the 2008 financial crisis. This should help awaken our senses to the ideas and schemes of those who may think they are somehow superior and desire to rule over others. It should also serve as a warning about all things labeled COVID-19. The lust for power can be deadly: killing people, economies, hopes and dreams on a massive scale, while it puts humanity, liberty and Republican forms of government in mortal danger.
Justin Trudeau declared “Emergency Measures Act” to remove truckers protesting peacefully, which is their right according to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Unfortunately, this is not out of character for Trudeau, who has played his hand over the past two years as Covid appeared on the landscape. In spring 2020, he attempted to give himself power to tax and spend without oversight of parliament. He then ordered all church services suspended until further notice with arrest threats for any violation, and pastors were threatened and arrested. He ordered the people masked in public, shut down businesses deemed “non-essential”, mandated citizen quarantines, called for stronger vaccine mandates ‘banning all travel via plane, train, or cruise ship unless fully vaccinated‘, ordered new more stringent vaccine mandates, and a host of other Marxist dictates. These moves piqued the interest and concern of Canadians to what was coming down the road which we now see in plain view.
Those who are part of the Canadian swamp are already cackling about the preservation of ‘law and order’ and safety. Those lemmings are spouting off platitudes about ‘vital transportation routes’ and ‘transport’ of goods from ports. All the while they ignore not only the injuries and deaths caused by ‘vaccine’ mandates, but God given rights of the people of Canada.
The Canadians, while not owning a Constitution the same as the United States, are part of the the British Commonwealth of nations and thus have a certain amount of western liberty guaranteed to their citizens in their Charter of Rights and Freedoms, very similar to that of the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. Canadians across the country caught on to the ruse long ago and started making rumblings of protest prior to a nationwide call to stop the intrusion on their freedoms. The Trucker Freedom Convoy and leaders could do nothing to win the heart of Trudeau and warm him to send emissaries to meet with them.
Speeches in Ottawa can be heard telling protesters “we’re winning back Canada”.
Hypocritically, the Trudeau government had no problem two years ago during the riots across Canada and the United States when Communist based BLM and Antifa protesters blocked vital rail transportation routes and burned cities. Trudeau never called for confiscation of the Communist group bank accounts, or their arrest, rather he sent government ministers to negotiate with them, and allowed them to continue their raping, looting and burning of Canada.
The truckers have placed tremendous economic pressure on several Canadian provinces and they have agreed to lift mandates at the behest of the protesters. Alberta and Saskatchewan have announced they would end vaccine mandates. Other provinces like Ontario, announced that increased fines of up to $100,000 and imprisonment for up to one year for any Freedom Convoy protester.
To date Trudeau has not sent anyone from the government to negotiate with the Trucker Freedom Convoy, although that is all they have asked for and their main purpose for the convoy into Ottawa. It is readily apparent that global control by Communist and Bolshevik action is acceptable, inspired, and even condoned by certain leaders in the west when pushing an agenda favorable to global government and control.
Across the world we have witnessed elected and appointed national leaders seizing what is becoming more apparent daily a manufactured health crisis to create fear and control. These leaders have extorted unbridled power for themselves by encroaching on the liberties and good will of the vast majority of people, by mandating vaccines, ineffective mask wearing, quarantines of healthy people, check points to enter businesses and hospitals, forced business shutdowns, stay at home orders, closure of churches, squeezing of tax monies from already broke people, transfer of wealth to those unwilling to work collecting government payouts, forcing universal plexiglass barriers, and more.
Fear and intimidation are well known tactics used in warfare. By instilling fear you can control large numbers of people. That’s why the Taliban uses “terrorist” fear tactics of bombing innocent people, that’s why bullies use fear of violence to take your lunch money in school, that’s why government agents use fear of jail or prison to coerce behavior and usurp God given liberties. That’s also why Franklin Roosevelt wanted to quell the fears of the people when he stated in his speech, “we have nothing to fear but fear itself” which he said many times over his political career, including when the United States was entering WWII.
Canadians and Americans must resist fear tactics. Author Samuel Clemens known as Mark Twain, said, “courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear.”
Being funneled into the hands of a global dictatorial government is certainly not what most God fearing Canadians or Americans want. And that’s why the Truckers Freedom Convoy in Canada, and around the world, and the soon coming United States Truckers Freedom Convoy are important for our liberties.
Michael Reed is Editor and Publisher of The Standard newspaper, print and online, and TheStandardSC YouTube channel where many video reports may be found. Please share freely and donate to The Standard on this page to assure the continued availability of news that is ignored too often by the dominant media.
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