China is preparing to set up a spy and intelligence gathering operation in Cuba right on the doorstep of the United States. But, could that spy base include bio or nuclear weapons?  Regardless, it is in violation of a 200 year old US policy of the Monroe Doctrine. Photo courtesy TickerNews.


It was revealed today that China has reached a secret deal with Cuba to construct a military eavesdropping and spy facility in Cuba. The proposed military Chinese base will be situated on the island only 90 miles from Key West, Florida.

This is clearly a violation of the Monroe Doctrine and a threat to US security. In the past any intrusion into the Western Hemisphere by a foreign power has been seen as a potential act of war. That Doctrine is a United States foreign policy position that opposes any intervention in the political affairs of the Americas by foreign powers. Ironically or intentionally, China has chosen to challenge this long standing US policy on the 200th anniversary of the Doctrine. This could be seen as a potentially hostile act against the United States. The Doctrine was central to American foreign policy for much of the 19th and early 20th centuries.

A Chinese base in Cuba could result in a breech of US national security as the Chinese could intercept any and all electronic communications especially from the southeastern region of the United States. The Southeastern seaboard of the US has multiple sensitive military, strategic and technological installations. Not only could a Chinese base located less than 100 miles from America’s shore compromise US intelligence but could be used to monitor all land and maritime activity, and could be used as a launching pad for direct attack on this country.

How the Biden administration handles this situation will ultimately prove whether the US or China will exert dominance in the western hemisphere and the world. To date the Biden administration has been content to promote “wokeism” to a once noble and powerful US military.


“Xi Jinping is totally delusional or completely frightened. In either case, he is more dangerous than ever…” China Foreign Policy expert Gordon Chang


To date Biden has proven weak and ineffective regarding the US military, being content to hand over billions of dollars of military equipment to a foreign power, allow US citizens to be killed without response, and allow politically correct advisors and top brass to pervert the

US China Foreign Policy expert Gordon Chang spent almost two decades living and working in China, has briefed US government agencies like the CIA and State department and authored several books on US/China relations. He said today that “America’s power is fading because Joe Biden is failing to use it. China’s power is increasing because Xi Jinping knows how to wield it.”

Earlier this week Chang said “China’s regime keeps coming at us, and the Biden Administration keeps trying to get out of the way, hoping the CCP will finally get tired of assaulting us. The Biden policy, predictably, is only encouraging more Chinese belligerence. When will we start defending ourselves?” And two days ago, asked do “advocates of “re-engagement” really want war? Because that is where their policies are in fact heading.”

The China Media Project wrote today that “Xi’s China has entered a “Great Era” according to official media, which are using the term with a frequency not seen since the days of Mao and WW2.”

Chang stated This morning via Twitter: ““Great Era”? The propaganda of China’s regime gets more grandiose as the CCP gets closer to catastrophic failure. Either Xi Jinping is totally delusional or completely frightened. In either case, he is more dangerous than ever.”


“America’s power is fading because Joe Biden is failing to use it. China’s power is increasing because Xi Jinping knows how to wield it.” — China Foreign Policy expert Gordon Chang


Many key military bases are within a few hundred miles of Cuba, including: Homestead Naval base, Elgin Air Force Base, MacDill Air Force Base, Naval Air Station Pensacola, Tyndall Air Force Base, and many others, 21 in total. Also among these military bases are the US Central Command headquarters in Tampa, Florida, just over 400 miles miles from Cuba.

China will pay Cuba $7 Billion dollars for the privilege to spy on the US—if the United States allows this action. The last time a foreign power sought to breech the western hemisphere was during the Soviet Union and the Bay of Pigs fiasco during the Kennedy administration over 60 years ago in April 1961.

The National Security Council spokesman John Kirby warned Beijing Monday this week concerning China’s aggressive nature in the South China Sea, that “it won’t be long before somebody gets hurt.” This morning Kirby said, “I cannot speak to this specific report, but we are well aware of – and have spoken many times to – the People’s Republic of China’s efforts to invest in infrastructure around the world that may have military purposes, including in this hemisphere. We monitor it closely, take steps to counter it, and remain confident that we are able to meet all our security commitments at home, in the region, and around the world.”

China is flexing its muscle around the globe and especially surrounding the US as they now hold many critical strongholds around the US, including the Panama Canal. Meanwhile, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken is planning a trip to China this month. Perhaps he should read about the life and “peace in our time” of Neville Chamberlain prior to his trip.

We will be following this situation as it progresses. President Theodore Roosevelt said, “speak softly and carry a big stick” is more important now than ever.


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