Seattle riots led by Marxist based domestic terrorists Black Lives Matter and Antifa burned downtown Seattle businesses and police cars.
A man hired as a body guard for a reporter covering Seattle rioting, and who witnessed rioters stealing police firearms from two burning police cruisers to use on American citizens had a big hand in preventing further mayhem. The man knew immediately what had to be done because of training and his sense of duty. He later said in an interview of his part in stopping rioters from injuring or killing citizens, that, “I was not going to let it happen.”
Those were the words of a Marine veteran who prefers to remain anonymous. The man spoke about two rioters stealing police firearms from two burning police cruisers to use on American citizens in a video interview by Brandi Kruse on The Divide, below.
My question to you is not what would you do in that situation, but ‘What Will you do about it when it comes to your community?’ These communist rioters are destroying public and private property with apparent impunity, capturing towns and cities while thumbing their noses at eunuched police who “stand down” in the midst of lawlessness. And be certain, that unless the American people, along with police, city, county, and state officials stop pussy footing around with lawless rioters they may be at your house soon.
In the Bill of Rights, the Fourth Amendment says, that “the right of the people to be secure in their persons… shall not be violated…” The 2nd Amendment says “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”
These Amendments to the Constitution are not rights being granted, rather they are reminding us of rights already secured and guaranteed us as United States citizens. These are not rights we’ve got to ask for, but rights our funding documents say we have and nobody can take them—including government.
The video attached shows a Marine, now in civilian life, bearing arms and performing the role of a militia man securing the rights to life of those around him ‘in their persons’. He took the active role to ‘protect and defend’ his fellow citizens from “Marxist trained” communist Antifa and Black Lives Matter terrorists in our land.
Video courtesy Brandi Kruse, The Divide.
Every citizen of the United States of America has the same duty and honor to protect and defend our country and fellow citizens against all enemies both foreign and domestic, from within and without, who would seek to destroy life or liberty in this land. We learned a true statement in typing class long ago, “Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.” Indeed, now is the time that ‘try men’s souls’ and calls us each one to harness ourselves—-be armed—-with the implements of Liberty, not so we can take someone else’s Liberty, but so we may protect our own.
America is suddenly in the midst of a war on our own streets instigated by desperate domestic red communists, calling themselves Antifa and Black Lives Matter, with paid agitators to cause mischief and mayhem in our towns and cities with the purpose to overthrow the government of these United States. Police have been ordered to “stand down” in many cases by compromised and complicit officials. Some officials have been paid by red Chinese communists, others paid to fulfill a role to allow mayhem, still others are communist agents living and working among us.
These riots with mayhem thus far have taken place with little to no control in many venues by those paid with tax dollars to ‘protect and defend’. This neglect of duty takes place while elected officials, with riotous smoke screens, nefariously enact draconian legislation (when they’re in session) and ordinances to require citizens to wear face masks proven to be ineffective against a phantom virus, take vaccines, social distance or get arrested, and to exert more control over the people while they personally profit from the farce. In many cases state legislatures, like South Carolina, have totally neglected their duty to represent the people by refusing to check the power of their governor, allowing the state’s chief magistrate total dictatorial power, many think in violation of state law.
In each case these individuals have chosen to make themselves an enemy of our country, our law and our people. It is not only our right, but indeed our duty, to do as the man featured in the video and take action, to play our part as men and stop the lawlessness in our streets before it gets to our homes and families. Every man has the duty to protect his own family from outside danger, and whenever possible stop it before it comes inside.
It is also our duty to stop lawlessness in our towns, cities, state and nation. Whether that be by those who were elected to represent our best interest—-not their self interest—-in the laws passed in this country or from those who seek to overthrow the foundations of this country!
Men have a right to be harnessed, now is not the time to neglect that right. It is time for men to act like men, take back our country from the lawless, and make America great again!
The scriptures say:
1 Samuel 4:9, Be strong, and quit yourselves like men, … quit yourselves like men, and fight.
1 Corinthians 16:13, Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong.
The term “quit ye like men” means to ‘have courage; act like a man’.
Michael Reed is Editor of The Standard.
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