Amsterdam parking garage. In Europe bicycles are the only way many people can get around. The UN and World Economic Forum want to impose those standards on the US, and they will unless citizens speak up. Photo courtesy Alice/Unsplash.


The 15 Minute city is an urban planning concept that presents a total planning scheme for your work, shopping, education, health care, and more. The United Nations and World Economic Forum claim these cities need to be created to help us be more efficient and aware of what is needed to protect the earth and our environment.

In reality we already have 15 minute cities in America. The community’s have residents of various backgrounds, heritage, colors, sizes, and shapes. They ‘own nothing, and they’re happy’ is how the World Economic Forum phrases it.

You can visit these 15 minute communities all across America in every state. The residents are perfectly content with their status in life. They have all their basic needs provided: food, drink, shelter, etc.

They never have to leave their community because everything is provided for them right there within 15 minutes of their home. Of course, in exchange for these needs being met they produce a valuable product for themselves and those who oversee the community.

A chicken coop is a perfect example of a 15 Minute city. Do you want to live like chickens? Photo courtesy Andriyko Podilnyk/Unsplash.

They’re called: Chicken Coops!

You are encouraged to visit one of these 15 minute communities to see for yourself how they operate and how content the residents are that live there!


In reality these 15 minute cities are socialist, totalitarian enclaves to control citizens in a more efficient way. They are designed to immobilize, and neuter Americans while creating a non-carbon footprint in accordance with UN agenda 2030.

Yes, the residents are stripped of any real freedom. They aren’t in chains, but they are limited with passes and limited travel permission slips if they desire to visit outside their designated area. Does this sound familiar? Perhaps like a large prison work camp or slave environment? Couple this with a Social Credit system that punishes all who don’t conform to their new master’s and you may be in a 15 minute communist nightmare where you cannot purchase needed items until a commissar gives you permission.

These 15 minute cities are sprouting up in Europe and proving to have increased bus travel, low traffic areas, roadway beautification with flowers and neighborhoods, and more. This is literally an attack on cars, freedom of movement and independence. These are all tenets that Americans are used to having, needing and quite often take for granted they will be there.

An Oxford shire, UK report was suppressed until following a council vote because it appeared unfavorable to a 15 Minute City plan to be implemented. City planners, local city authorities, elected representatives, and centralized government underwrites all of this. In Oxford the government plans to use “licence plate-reading cameras installed for the purpose of fining citizens who drive their cars to other areas of the city without exemptions or resident permits during certain times of day” within the year.

An Oxford resident voices his concerns and observations:


This surveilling of citizens is not unique to Oxford, UK. It is in my area of Lexington, SC. Lexington Mayor Steve  MacDougal noted at a Lake Murray Community Association meeting in May that the town uses “Bluetooth-enabled surveillance” to reduce traffic. This is a known aspect of 15 Minute Cities and keeping track of who is where and when. Many of us travel on Hwy 378 or US Hwy 1 at various times of the day for various purposes, and we may or may not make a complete drive through town. Frankly, it’s none of the town’s business whether or not someone drives completely through town, stops or not.

As The Standard mentioned in a previous article, by what authority and funding source does Mayor MacDougal have permission from the people to track and surveil individuals and their car movements? There are numerous other ways to monitor traffic without violation of privacy. In that article, we called for an open, transparent town hall reviewing this questionable use of technology that does not violate privacy.

Road closures, low traffic areas and neighborhoods, and other “safe places” damage business. Less car ownership and restrictions, and bus routes not only stifle independence creating a population dependent on government transportation, but empowers diverse and often undesirable populations to be bussed in to the enclosed communities creating a potentially dangerous situation for residents.

The 15 minute cities create even more distrust of elected representatives and bureaucrats in their top down push. Why? Evidence of no transparency, a “new urbanism” destroying independence, government imposed containment of suburban and country living. We’re already seeing this program unfold in more “walkable places”, roadside “beautification”, and secret developments like the 93 acre plot in Lexington.

In an interview, urban development designer Nathan Allebach said people feel “left out and are not part of the discussion” concerning their community. The proposals run the gamut from blocked roads, low traffic roadways created, bike ways, raised cross walks, bus lanes and protected sidewalks. Lexington County is already implementing these changes in the Lexington and West Columbia areas instead of spending taxpayer money on needed road repair. Instead they point to “needed tax increases”.

Local elected representatives and planners often use terms like “creating safer spaces”, and areas “easier for people to walk and cycle” or where “public transportation” is more available. In addition these 15 minute communities/cities say they want “more sustainable, reliable, and inclusive transport systems that work for everybody.” Also carefully read the UN Resolution on “transforming our world” by 2030 at this link.

Most thinking people read that as code for bussing in those urban dwellers with lots of free time on their hands. This scenario creates a potential crime area with nowhere and no way to escape. Thus, the new community dynamic creates captives who cannot avoid potential trouble.

This is one of the strings of Federal and State monies that many local, county and state elected representatives don’t mention when they put forward these development ideas that get access to your Federal or State tax dollars: hoops and circles local government makes the citizen jump through to get back your money.

Many of these ’15 minute’ ideas are the same as those promoted by environmentalists who want you to walk or cycle everywhere. These socialist ideas are what is pushed throughout Europe. America is not Europe! American cities, towns and citizens are spread out, not cramped into city or town dwellings. Americans don’t live crammed in together or on top of their business fronts, and we like it that way.

“You’ll own nothing and be happy” is another way of saying you’re facing economic distress, have no cash (perhaps due to digital currency initiatives), not enough food or goods are available to satisfy the community, etc.

Those who advocate the environmentalist ideas think you need be satisfied with sitting in your home and never leaving. This concept was what Lexington Mayor Steve MacDougall suggested at the Lake Murray Community Association meeting in May. It was disclosed then that he had been having “secret meetings and negotiations” concerning taxpayer money with a private property owner for many years to develop an “iconic presence on the lake” while “creating generational wealth” for the landowner and his family for decades. Was the Mayor elected? Or does Lexington now have a king?

Our Founding Fathers ventured into this heavenly kingdom called America to get away from the cramped, diseased, top down and socialist European control of their day. It is not in the best interests of Americans whether they live in cities or towns or the country to try and imitate Europe in any way. It is not in the interests of Americans whether in California or in Lexington, SC to adopt socialist policies of 15 minute cities.

Citizens of Lexington town and County, and South Carolina still have a voice to make it stop before it proceeds any further by speaking up loudly at city, county and state meetings with Your representatives. But, you’ll have to get off your sofa to do that. You’ll have to forsake your favorite TV program to do that. You may have to take the morning or afternoon off from your work because these so-called public entities like things to be done when most people are at work and they can pass them without objection.

This doesn’t even take into consideration robotics, artificial intelligence, central bank digital currency (CBDC), communist controlled social credit systems, driverless cars, remote jobs, climate control, the depopulation movement, etc. Once again, it has proven true that when good people do nothing then evil people get away with everything!

Yes, it may be inconvenient, but I can guarantee this, a socialist, Communist-run 15 minute city Will be much more than inconvenient. It will be a socialist communist style penal camp where you don’t have much choice in how you live your life without permission from an overlord. If you’re looking for a warning or a sign—this is it!


Michael Reed is Publisher of The Standard newspaper, print and online. You may find our video available on Rumble. The bulk of TheStandardSC video media channel has been censored by dominant social media groups like YouTube. YouTube, owed by Alphabet (Google), removed and destroyed all of our video work without permission or remuneration. That has stopped all potential donations from our many supporters on that venue. If you want to continue to see independent thought and reports please “like”, comment, share with a friend, and donate to support The Standard on this page to assure the continued availability of news that is ignored too often by the dominant media.

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